News From the Top Deck

What if you could pick up your guilt free sustainable seafood at the same time you get your chemical free local produce? Well if you are living in Calgary, now you can! We are pleased to announce that we will be providing our Tuesday and Thursday pick-up times in Calgary alongside Eagle Creek Farms this … Continued


A Confession

July 10, 2014

I have a confession to make.  One that is tough for a fisherman’s wife and fish-monger to make publicly. I used to HATE fish.  There.  I said it. I was born into a British-Austrian-Catholic family where fish was served on Fridays and was, generally speaking, some nameless, sourceless white fish, overcooked in the extreme, and … Continued


Fair wages make a difference!

July 9, 2014

As he was fishing this Tuesday in the upper boundary of the Alberni Inlet in Barkley Sound, our fisherman Shaun came across several big size seiners, catching most of the daytime fish. The sight of these “neighbors” made us think of Skipper Otto’s CSF mission, to ensure that independent, small-scale, low impact fishermen receive a … Continued


Should you be concerned about Coho bycatch?

July 7, 2014

Photo Taken by Sam Beebe Last week I read an article about the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) decision to increase the allowed catch of endangered Coho salmon. Right from the start the article shamed the DFO for allowing such a big increase. It featured quotes from conservationists that were appalled, but there was … Continued


Practice filleting like a Pro!

July 2, 2014

As we celebrated the first fresh salmon ever sold at the Trout Lake Farmers’ Market, Skipper Otto’s own experienced home fish cutter Gordon Tilley demystified filleting a whole fish! Gordon also happens to be Sonia’s dad, proving that the love for fish runs deep in the extended Strobel family. In case you missed our filleting demos, … Continued


How often do you see wild BC sockeye salmon in Halifax?  Well, you’ll find it a little more easily now thanks to a partnership between Skipper Otto’s CSF in Vancouver, Hooked fish store in Toronto, and Off the Hook CSF in Halifax. Skipper Otto’s Community Supported Fishery creates partnerships between small-scale, independent fishermen and thoughtful … Continued


Disaster Averted

June 24, 2014

Last week, when Shaun got home from fishing, he had a classic crazy fishing story that I just had to share. So.  They day of fishing had been going pretty well.  He had 75 sockeye on board already and time for another set.  He was running along the net checking for fish, put it in … Continued


Chef’s for Oceans with Chef Ned Bell

June 20, 2014

Chefs for Oceans is a journey across Canada in support of sustainable seafood. On July 1st Chef Ned Bell will embark on a journey to raise awareness for sustainable seafood in Canada. Starting in St. John’s Newfoundland, Chef Bell, will cycle between 140km and 200km a day, stopping in major cities along the way to … Continued


Workshop Update

June 13, 2014

We’re super excited about receiving a grant through UBC Community Learning that is allowing us to put on workshops and open kitchens this summer. It has been an amazing experience to learn all the ins and outs of planning and running seafood workshops, and to experiment with different classes and kitchens. We planned an early … Continued


Knowing Your Fisherman Is a Life Saving Benefit!

June 11, 2014

One of the benefits of being a member of our Skipper Otto’s CSF is knowing exactly which fisherman caught your seafood, when and where, and by using sustainable fishing practices. Making sure that these practices continue to exist can save not only your life as consumers of premium seafood, but also the lives of innocent … Continued


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"My canned salmon arrived in the mail today and it is without a doubt the best I have ever tasted."