We Are Fortunate and Proud to Have a Tale for Our Every Fish!

Sonia - June 6, 2014

Skipper Otto’s Fishing Family is coming to the close of an amazing first week of June, sprinkled with the stories of how your fisherman Shaun brought the first sockeye  and spring salmon of the 2014 fishing season all the way from Barkley Sound, in the Pacific Rim Reserve.

After starting the week with a little bit of boat trouble and not being sure whether Shaun will even make it out to sea for the first opening of this season, the odds were on our fishing family’s side and although just a few salmon made their way in the first run, Shaun did bring back a nice catch of sockeye and spring for our Vancouver members to enjoy. As we wrapped up our CSF’s first fresh fish pick-up of the season, our entire team went home smiling with excitement. And for this we want to thank all of you, our members, those that were fast enough to get in an order of the first salmon of 2014 and those who are patiently waiting for our fishermen to bring home the next catch. Skipper Otto’s CSF is thanking all of our members for an amazing beginning to what is expected to be one of the most bountiful salmon seasons yet!

Since our fish tale started, back in 2008, Skipper Otto’s CSF has grown to include in our family our valued members from the Prairies. Our thoughts of gratitude go out to you as well, as you are probably the most patient of our members, waiting until the wild fish make it from our small boats in the Pacific, to your landlocked towns of Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatchewan or Regina. Krysta, your Prairies coordinator, is just packing up her things and fresh fishing stories of her own, from her first outing with Shaun, and getting ready to set for Calgary, where our CSF now has more than a hundred members.1st fresh fish pick-up

As Skipper Otto’s CSF sets sail towards new stories that accompany our every fish, we take the time to look back to our beginnings and feel grateful and fortunate for how our fishing family has grown. Like our dear friend Karen Anderson in Alberta beautifully puts it, “these fishermen are multiplier to feed the masses!”

Sonia - June 6, 2014

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We Are Fortunate and Proud to Have a Tale for Our Every Fish!

Sonia - June 6, 2014

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