News From the Top Deck

Herring fishing

March 11, 2014


Shaun’s back from a week out herring fishing. Every spring,  thousands of tonnes of Pacific herring travel in shore to spawn en masse. It is a powerful event, and provides food for lot’s of predators, including eagles, sea lions, and humans. Herring are considered a foundation species because of the important role they play in … Continued


Fishermen shocked by DFO manipulation on herring

March 1, 2014

Interesting press press release (below) about the herring fishery. Shaun and several of our other CSF fishermen are some of the 250 fishermen getting ready to go out and fish herring. They have already paid substantial amounts of money for the right to fish (quota, etc.) which will end up being about half of their … Continued


We have a lending library!

February 27, 2014

Thanks in part to a UBC Community Grant, we have been able to build an equipment lending library of pressure canners and smokers that our Vancouver members can borrow FOR FREE! We are really excited about helping our members to process and preserve their own seafood at home. Taking whole fish and processing it yourself … Continued


Fukushima Update

February 27, 2014

Good news for lovers of Pacific seafood! “We are not concerned for fisheries on the western coast of the United States and Canada because of the loss of the isotope [due to it’s half-life as it travels through the ocean] and because the water concentration is so much lower here than in Japan.” ~ Ken … Continued


National Energy Board quietly given authority to assess pipeline damage to fish

January 18, 2014

The federal government has transferred its authority to assess whether a pipeline would damage fish and fish habitat from the Fisheries Department to the National Energy Board. Read more about it in this Vancouver Sun article


We are in the news!

January 16, 2014


This week we started at ISIS, the venture accelerator we’ll be part of for 2014. It has been a bit of a whirlwind so far, and has led to lots of interest in what we’re doing. Shaun and Sonia have been busy with interviews! Check out some of the stories on Skipper Otto’s below: CBC … Continued


Grant opportunity gives Skipper Otto’s a fresh, new look!

January 9, 2014

A third of our member survey respondents requested that we improve our website to make it clearer and easier to navigate. We’re thrilled to announce we were able to make this a reality, thanks in part to a Get Youth Working Grant that allowed us to hire Katie Holmes, a talented, young designer. She went … Continued


Oliver and Emma’s first fishing trip

December 16, 2013

Shaun, Oliver and I journeyed up to the Johnston Strait at the end of October for the last commercial salmon opening of the season. It was Oliver’s first fishing trip ever! He was very excited to start his budding career as a fisherman. We got up extra early to catch the ferry to Nanaimo, and … Continued


We made the top ten!

December 13, 2013

Skipper Otto’s is a Top 10 semi-finalist in the Small Business BC Awards for the Best Community Impact Award! We are so excited and grateful to our wonderful members who helped us get this far. The next steps are to write an extended application and pitch to a panel of Small Business BC judges in … Continued


Coast Capital Innovation Hub Grant

December 1, 2013

We are so excited to announce that we were chosen to be part of UBC’s Coast Capital Innovation Hub. The program offers a dynamic space to accelerate social venture growth by bringing together university resources, peer learning, and business networks. The program is defined by its passionate community and collaborative environment. Learn more about the … Continued


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Member since 2012

"We come from farming families here on the Prairie and joined Skipper Otto way back when because we loved the concept of directly supporting 'farmers' (and getting awesome seafood!). The commitment and dedication to what you are doing, and the amazing community you have created is wonderful to be part of."