News From the Top Deck

Father’s Day – Sunday June 21st, 2015!       Dad’s.  Those beloved members of our lives who want drag us along, teach us, then later in life… tag along.  And we LOVE them for it. Dad’s are difficult to buy for. They never know what they want, so we revert to the ripest of … Continued


Community Fishery Hits The Spot, by Kathleen Saylors for The Vancouver Courier

May 19, 2015

Read the full story at The Vancouver Courier. Excerpt “We had the brainwave one day: maybe we could apply what farmers have done to agriculture to fishing,” Sonia said. The fishery started in 2008, and has grown to include 1,400 members. Members buy credit into the fishery in $100 increments and pay a small membership … Continued


Mother’s Day Salmon Mini-Quiche

May 4, 2015

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and we’re all getting ready to celebrate the mothers in our lives – right? If you’re still wondering what could you make for a mom (your mom, a friend’s mom, a friend who is a mom, someone who serves as a maternal figure to you…) this coming Mother’s … Continued


Fish CSAs, Herb Truck Farms, & Rye-Crusted Sturgeon: Inside Vancouver’s Food Scene, by Liz Core at Grist

April 9, 2015

Read the full story at Grist. “Shaun and Sonia Strobel at Skipper Otto’s CSF are trying to revive the local fishing scene by operating an up-and-coming sustainable fish business. It’s like a CSA, but with fish.” VGEF: Episode 8 – Vancouver from The Perennial Plate on Vimeo.


Aromatic Lingcod & Speedy Ginger Greens

April 2, 2015

This is the first in a series of guest blog posts by chef Sydney Badger.  Sydney will be working with us this year on our workshop series so Vancouver members will have the opportunity to learn directly from her this summer! Meanwhile, here is the first of three posts each featuring one of our products. This … Continued


Read the full story at The Globe and Mail. “Just over a year ago, Sonia and Shaun Strobel decided to expand their community supported fisheries business, Skipper Otto’s, beyond British Columbia’s borders. Unofficially, they were already there. The business had ballooned from 40 people buying fish from a locker on Granville Island to more than … Continued


Getting to Know Your Sockeye Salmon

February 23, 2015

Shaun knows fish. Spending a couple of hours with Shaun at a pickup is like browsing an encyclopedia of BC fishing. If you don’t know Shaun Strobel, he and his wife Sonia co-founded Skipper Otto’s Community Supported Fishery (CSF). Otto is Shaun’s dad and they both still fish for salmon every year along BC’s coast. … Continued


Vancouver Has An Appetite For Sustainable Seafood, by Randy Shore for The Vancouver Sun

February 3, 2015

Read the full story at The Vancouver Sun. “A longtime supporter of the local food movement, Sonia was familiar with the social enterprise model used by farmers to market their produce directly to the public. By joining a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) individuals and families pay at the beginning of the season for a farmer’s … Continued


Fair Fishing, by Annemarie Tempelman-Kluit for Yoyomama

January 13, 2015

“Local mum (and yoyomama reader!) Sonia Strobel married into a fishing family. Her husband and father-in-law were both fisherman (and teachers), but fishing’s a hard industry to make a living at and they were thinking of getting out, when they hatched the CSF idea. A bit of research showed there was no such thing (yet) … Continued


Holiday Mode

November 27, 2014

My favourite part of working for Skipper Otto’s is hearing from you – our members and customers. These last few weeks what I’ve been hearing is that many of you have entered “Holiday Mode”. You’re fine tuning your lists of what to give and what to get, you’re researching recipes, and planning your time wisely … Continued


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"I think that in all my 79 years, I have never patronized such a fair, customer-service oriented company. "