News From the Top Deck

Come out at the False Creek Fisherman’s Wharf this Saturday, May 10th, and meet with the Skipper Otto’s CSF team and your fishermen! Stewart and Duncan invite you up on their boats, from 11am to 2pm, to chat about their adventure bringing in the fresh prawns for this year’s Spot Prawn Festival and tell you … Continued


Refer a friend for the 2014 season and win a Harbor Cruise!

May 6, 2014

The month of May is our final sign-up month for the season! If you refer a friend on or before May 31st, both of you will be entered into a draw for your choice of either a harbor boat cruise on board our family fish boat, Omega V, or a $100 gift basket of Skipper … Continued


Skipper Otto Seafood at DIGNITY Vancouver!

May 5, 2014

We are delighted to announce that our CSF will be supporting the 4th annual DIGNITYVANCOUVER Event by providing our delicious wild sustainable BC seafood for all participants to enjoy through the night! The event is put together by the Vancouver+Acumen volunteer-led chapter of the Acumen Fund, a non-profit that raises charitable donations to invest in businesses, … Continued


Winter Workshop Series

March 18, 2014

Big thanks to Serena Chu, David Fleming, John Lavery and Jeff Anderson for sharing their skills with our members! Both the salmon canning and salmon smoking workshops were a big success! The subsidized workshops (and our equipment library!) would not have been possible without the generous assistance of UBC’s Community Learning Initiative Community Grants Program. … Continued


Herring fishing

March 11, 2014

Shaun’s back from a week out herring fishing. Every spring,  thousands of tonnes of Pacific herring travel in shore to spawn en masse. It is a powerful event, and provides food for lot’s of predators, including eagles, sea lions, and humans. Herring are considered a foundation species because of the important role they play in … Continued


Interesting press press release (below) about the herring fishery. Shaun and several of our other CSF fishermen are some of the 250 fishermen getting ready to go out and fish herring. They have already paid substantial amounts of money for the right to fish (quota, etc.) which will end up being about half of their … Continued


We have a lending library!

February 27, 2014

Thanks in part to a UBC Community Grant, we have been able to build an equipment lending library of pressure canners and smokers that our Vancouver members can borrow FOR FREE! We are really excited about helping our members to process and preserve their own seafood at home. Taking whole fish and processing it yourself … Continued


Fukushima Update

February 27, 2014

Good news for lovers of Pacific seafood! “We are not concerned for fisheries on the western coast of the United States and Canada because of the loss of the isotope [due to it’s half-life as it travels through the ocean] and because the water concentration is so much lower here than in Japan.” ~ Ken … Continued


National Energy Board quietly given authority to assess pipeline damage to fish

January 18, 2014

The federal government has transferred its authority to assess whether a pipeline would damage fish and fish habitat from the Fisheries Department to the National Energy Board. Read more about it in this Vancouver Sun article


We are in the news!

January 16, 2014

This week we started at ISIS, the venture accelerator we’ll be part of for 2014. It has been a bit of a whirlwind so far, and has led to lots of interest in what we’re doing. Shaun and Sonia have been busy with interviews! Check out some of the stories on Skipper Otto’s below: CBC … Continued


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Member since 2010

"The connection the CSF provides between fishers and fish eaters (like me) is a special one. It inspires me to see Skipper Otto’s CSF building relationships between urban seafood lovers, the fishers, and their communities. "