News From the Top Deck

Check out this great National Geographic article about CSF’s and other examples of seafood entrepreneurship in the United States. Our Alaskan friends at the Copper River Wild Salmon Company are starting up a local processing plant. Their nonprofit facility will enable local fishermen to have control over the processing, labeling, and distribution of their high quality … Continued


Fill out our survey for a chance to win a harbour cruise/seafood prize!

October 2, 2013

END-OF-SEASON SURVEY We are so grateful to all of you for supporting us over these past 5 years as we dreamed-up, implemented, and grew Canada’s first CSF in something that now supports  10 independent fishermen, countless other independent small businesses, and feeds hundreds of families! We have experienced many growing pains over the years and learned … Continued


Fishermen and Farmer’s in the same boat

September 19, 2013

The current price paid for food production is not enough to support farming or sustainable fishing families, or those who work for them. While the costs for participating in both livelihoods go up, the amount both small-scale farmers and fishermen make continues to decrease. Carving out a living is becoming more and more difficult. Not … Continued


Update on Fishing

September 6, 2013

Otto is back up on the water, but unfortunately, it wasn’t a great week for fishing. He is waiting for announcements for next week and is madly hoping to catch something to bring down for a final fresh fish pick-up before the “Meet your Fisherman” BBQ on Sunday September 15th


Supporting small-scale fishermen

September 6, 2013

Thank-you members! Your support this season made it possible for us to provide small-scale fishermen with a fair price for their catch. Our full-time fishermen made approximately $32,000 this summer. If they had been selling those same fish at the prices set by big businesses, they would have only made $24,000. That’s an $8,000 difference! … Continued


How worried should we be about the Fukushima radiation that is still leaking uncontrollably? There are still a lot of unknowns, but things look good for Pacific Salmon. Unfortunately, things are not looking so hot for tuna, and seafood imported from Japan is not a good idea. However, experts say that the radiation from eating … Continued


Adventures in Smoking

August 20, 2013

One of our members, Dave, shared some great photos with us of his most recent smoker adventure. Thanks Dave! Whole Fish Fillets Marinating Chillin’ You want pellicles (shiny, sticky layer) to form on the surface. Cool using a fan to speed up the process     Top view Wood Chips All done, yum!  


The local food movement is growing and fish needs to be part of that movement

August 19, 2013

Interesting article on why ecolabels aren’t enough when it comes to buying seafood. As the fishing industry consolidates, our local fishermen are struggling to make a living.  I want to support local fishermen because they are the best stewards of the oceans they fish in. They want healthy fish populations and healthy oceans because they … Continued


Sea life relocating fast in response to climate change

August 19, 2013

Interesting CBC article on the effects of climate change on sea-life. Marine life is moving towards the poles at a much faster rate than terrestrial species and this could lead to mixing of species that has never occurred before. It appears that Pacific Salmon will be negatively affected by these changes


Another great article on this year’s salmon run

August 14, 2013

Check out the Vancouver Sun’s article “Bounty of the Sea: Sockeye’s rare but there are plenty of other salmon”  “When there’s not a lot of sockeye, then chefs and the public will start eating other fish and it becomes an education,” said Steve Johansen of Organic Ocean Included in the article is a great set of … Continued


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"Thank you for supplying such a delicious, healthy, sustainable product along with the interesting and connecting information about those who fish!"