Tyee article on Canfisco Fishermen stand-down

Sonia - July 29, 2013

Fishermen in Prince Rupert are engaged in a Stand-down with Canfisco, the main fish buyer, who has dealt a wage cut for Pink Salmon. Fishermen will now only receive $0.27/lb, a tiny fraction of what customers pay for Pink Salmon.

“Fisherman are saying that the price of fish is far less than they can make a living off of and they are not willing to risk their lives to go out and catch millions of pounds of salmon and at the end of it show next to nothing in profit.”

“Canfisco, owned by Vancouver business tycoon Jim Pattison, has two affiliated companies in Alaska. In B.C. the company dominates the fishing industry, operating the largest fleet of fishing vessels in the province and running major processing facilities in Prince Rupert and Vancouver”

Fisherman of private boats and those working for alternative companies are said to be standing alongside Canfisco boats in the protest.

By purchasing a share in the catch at the start of our fishing season, our members ensure our fishermen are not subject to these sorts of drops in fishing prices.

Click here for the full article.

Sonia - July 29, 2013

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Tyee article on Canfisco Fishermen stand-down

Sonia - July 29, 2013

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