Skipper Otto

A Leader In Quality
And Sustainability.
Sonia and Shaun Strobel created Canada’s first Community Supported Fishery in 2008 to support small-scale, independent fishing families in coastal and Indigenous communities. Since then, Skipper Otto has grown into a nationwide leader for seafood system reform, and the best source of high-quality, fisher-direct seafood found in Canadian waters.

From Our Family To Yours
Skipper Otto was founded because Shaun’s dad, Otto, wanted to be paid a fair price for his catch and to be connected to other seafood lovers. As members told their friends, demand for their high-quality seafood grew. Shaun returned to fishing and now, Sonia and Shaun’s two sons, Oliver and Lyndon are the third generation of Strobel fishers. The Strobels are one of the more than 45 fishing families that feed thousands of families across Canada each year.

Woman-Led Organization
From her beginnings as a high school teacher and long-time participant in Community Supported Agriculture, Sonia set out to find a unique solution to the challenges she saw. To support small-scale fishers in their way of life, and ensure home cooks could buy wild and sustainably caught seafood. Today, as CEO, she leads the charge in our movement to build an alternative to the conventional industrial seafood system.
Meet Sonia
What Is A Community
Supported Fishery?
A Community Supported Fishery (CSF) brings people together around a shared desire to protect marine ecosystems while enjoying the ocean’s bounty. To thrive, community-based fishers need access to informed, local markets and fair pay for their work. And, seafood lovers who want the best quality and taste deserve an equitable food system anchored in sustainability and transparency. With a CSF, the direct connections between fishers and seafood lovers achieve these tangible benefits for people and the planet.

Our Community Partners
Our community partners are the vital link between Skipper Otto and our members. As our pick-up locations throughout Canada, these hard-working folks distribute orders year-round. If you’re interested in becoming a community partner, please get in touch with us to learn more.
Meet the Team
Join Our Team
Skipper Otto is a great place to work! We are a certified Living Wage Employer, a Certified B Corporation™, and we value our people, communities, and environmental and social justice. We have a strong, supportive team with a growth mindset and a culture of positivity, creative problem solving, collaboration, and fun.
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