News From the Top Deck

A few years ago (when all 5 salmon species were available and abundant), the team at Skipper Otto put salmon to the test. In a blind taste test, the team tried each of the 5 species of Pacific salmon, side by side, and compared them. The results were fascinating, surprising and delicious! The Method How … Continued

News bc salmon blind taste test cedar plank salmon grilled salmon salmon recipe taste test

Fresh vs Frozen: Why Frozen Wins

April 23, 2019

In a blind taste-test conducted by Ecotrust, consumers rated flash-frozen fish equal to or higher than fresh fish across the board. This tells us that the “fresh over frozen” myth is just that: a myth. Fresh-never-frozen fish does not taste better than flash-frozen fish. In many cases, the opposite is true! The implications of this … Continued

News bc salmon blind taste test cedar plank salmon grilled salmon salmon recipe taste test

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