News From the Top Deck

Having premium quality Canadian sustainable seafood at home makes dinner easy! There are plenty of ways to prepare halibut –grilled, fried, baked, or poached in sauce. Other than its incredible texture and taste, it’s also super healthy (depending on how much butter you decide to cook it in…!) Here are ten creative and easy recipes … Continued

Recipes baked halibut community supported fishery halibut burger halibut recipe lemon ginger halibut mediterranean halibut pacific halibut pan-fried halibut recipe roasted halibut seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe

5 Great Tuna Recipes

November 5, 2019

Having premium quality Canadian sustainable seafood makes supper a cinch! Tuna is inexpensive, easy to digest, and packed with vitamins and protein. Here are 5 creative tuna recipes to liven up your meals on a busy day. Seared Albacore Tuna Recipe Take a look at this Skipper Otto Seared Albacore Tuna recipe video! Our albacore … Continued

Recipes baked halibut community supported fishery halibut burger halibut recipe lemon ginger halibut mediterranean halibut pacific halibut pan-fried halibut recipe roasted halibut seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe

Eating with the Ecosystem

October 22, 2019

Eating With the Ecosystem At Skipper Otto, one of our guiding principles is eating with the ecosystem. This means matching our seafood consumption with the rhythms of the ocean and respecting the seasonality of each species of seafood. It also ensures we are not putting undue pressure on a single sought-after species. The 2019 Fishing … Continued

Recipes baked halibut community supported fishery halibut burger halibut recipe lemon ginger halibut mediterranean halibut pacific halibut pan-fried halibut recipe roasted halibut seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe

Celebrating 10 Years of Member Pride

October 22, 2019

Skipper Otto has been connecting members to their fishermen for over 10 years now, and the amount of support over the years has been phenomenal. In just 10 years, our family has grown from only 40 members to 2827! As our family grows, our connection to our Canadian sustainable seafood only grows closer. More member … Continued

Recipes baked halibut community supported fishery halibut burger halibut recipe lemon ginger halibut mediterranean halibut pacific halibut pan-fried halibut recipe roasted halibut seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe

Looking Back on 2019 with Skipper Otto

October 21, 2019

It’s been a spectacular year here at Skipper Otto for our 10th anniversary season! As fishing wraps up for the season, I find myself looking back on 2019 with enormous pride at all we accomplished this year and over the past decade. Thank you for being part of this incredible ground-swell of support for BC’s … Continued

Recipes baked halibut community supported fishery halibut burger halibut recipe lemon ginger halibut mediterranean halibut pacific halibut pan-fried halibut recipe roasted halibut seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe

Thanksgiving is a holiday all about friends, family, comfort, and food. Although turkey may be the known as the staple at the Thanksgiving table, there are plenty of delicious seafood meal options ready to take center-stage. For those who aren’t really into cooking a whole turkey for the extended family, consider this recipe by Chef … Continued

News Recipes community supported fishery fishery kale salad recipe seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe thanksgiving thanksgiving table

The Impact of Your 2019 Membership

June 19, 2019

If you follow us on social media, you may already know that we exceeded our goal of signing up 2800 members for our ten-year anniversary. We are grateful to every single one of our returning members, and we’re delighted to welcome our brand-new members into the Skipper Otto family. This commitment from all of you … Continued

News Recipes community supported fishery fishery kale salad recipe seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe thanksgiving thanksgiving table

Why Flash Frozen Seafood is Better for Your Family

May 30, 2019

We all want to feel good about the food we serve our families. We want food that tastes great, is full of nutrients and keeps our planet healthy. Frozen seafood is all of those things and more. But a lot of people have the idea that “fresh” – ie seafood that has never been frozen … Continued

News Recipes community supported fishery fishery kale salad recipe seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe thanksgiving thanksgiving table

10 Years & Growing Strong

May 2, 2019

Thankful. Humbled. Thrilled.  What more can we really say that would properly capture how amazing it was to celebrate with so many of you at our 10-Year Anniversary Gala?! Here are a few of the highlights for those who couldn’t join us and a few memories for those of you that were there!  The theme … Continued

News Recipes community supported fishery fishery kale salad recipe seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe thanksgiving thanksgiving table

Fresh vs Frozen: Why Frozen Wins

April 23, 2019

In a blind taste-test conducted by Ecotrust, consumers rated flash-frozen fish equal to or higher than fresh fish across the board. This tells us that the “fresh over frozen” myth is just that: a myth. Fresh-never-frozen fish does not taste better than flash-frozen fish. In many cases, the opposite is true! The implications of this … Continued

News Recipes community supported fishery fishery kale salad recipe seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe thanksgiving thanksgiving table

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