News From the Top Deck

We’re thrilled to announce that Skipper Otto is adding kelp to our selection of delicious Canadian sustainable seafood products! Kelp is a great complementary addition to our collection, and sea veggies are so good for you. We’re so excited to provide our members with sustainably sourced kelp from Haida Gwaii. Dafne Romero, your new kelp … Continued

Recipes chef ned bell community supported fishery fishery haida gwaii kelp kelp brownies kelp harvester kelp recipe ned bell recipe seafood seafood product seaweed recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe

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Member since 2018

"It is vitally important to us that our seafood is harvested sustainably, and we have found it's equally important for us to share with our son that food is on our table thanks to the efforts of families who fish in BC waters and folks who are committed to the health of our oceans."