News From the Top Deck

Smoked Salmon Eggs Benedict The team at Skipper Otto loves making salmon salad sandwiches with our canned smoked salmon, and now our friend and chef Steve W has come up with another creative way to add it to brunch! Starting with a traditional eggs Benedict style recipe, he has swapped out the bun for a … Continued

Recipes bc salmon bc seafood canadian seafood canned salmon recipe salmon smoked salmon sustainable seafood wild bc seafood

Salmon with Chive Beurre Blanc and Wild Rice

April 25, 2024

Salmon with Chive Beurre Blanc, Wild Rice, and Steamed Broccoli There are so many ways to cook salmon, but pan-frying is a quick and easy way to enjoy it without too much fuss. Paired it with wild rice and broccoli and you have a brightly coloured meal with a great balance of nutrition and flavour. … Continued

Recipes bc salmon bc seafood canadian seafood canned salmon recipe salmon smoked salmon sustainable seafood wild bc seafood

Creamy Salmon Pasta with Grilled Shellfish

March 15, 2023

Creamy Salmon Pasta with Grilled Shellfish Sustainable seafood and pasta just go together, and this recipe is fancy enough to impress your friends without much effort at all, and under 30 minutes if using store bought pasta! Included is an easy way to make pappardelle pasta, using a food processor and a pasta roller, but … Continued

Recipes bc salmon bc seafood canadian seafood canned salmon recipe salmon smoked salmon sustainable seafood wild bc seafood

Grilled Salmon Fettuccine with a Garlicky Lemon Cream Sauce

November 7, 2022

We just love when our members get creative in the kitchen! So when Steve W. a head cook at Fat Wally’s Firehouse BBQ in Metro Vancouver (an award winning competition BBQ team who compete in sanctioned events from Vancouver to the the Italian Alps), was open to sharing his own recipes, we jumped at the … Continued

Recipes bc salmon bc seafood canadian seafood canned salmon recipe salmon smoked salmon sustainable seafood wild bc seafood

BBQ Lemongrass Curry Salmon Wrapped in Kelp Recipe

March 18, 2022

Skipper Otto members enjoy the best wild coast salmon, halibut, and tuna available – but they also get access to lesser-known seafood that they might not otherwise encounter. One of our more unique products is our sheets of giant kelp, harvested by Dafne Romero. A lot of members have been finding great ways to add … Continued

Recipes bc salmon bc seafood canadian seafood canned salmon recipe salmon smoked salmon sustainable seafood wild bc seafood

We love poke bowls because they’re easy, adaptable, and sustainable seafood is undeniably the star of the dish – especially in this soy-ginger chinook salmon poke bowl! Chinook salmon – also sometimes called king salmon – is a favourite of our members thanks to its moist and velvety texture and rich flavour. In this recipe … Continued

Recipes poke bowl recipes salmon salmon recipe

We Depend on Salmon and They Depend on Us

June 21, 2021

Salmon are an integral part of the fabric of society in BC, bringing enormous cultural, social, economic, nutritional, and environmental value to this place. Salmon face many threats in our modern world, but humans have coexisted with salmon for millennia, and we can continue to do so for many more. It’s our responsibility to protect … Continued

Recipes poke bowl recipes salmon salmon recipe

Fishmas Dinner Idea: Salmon en Croute Recipe

December 14, 2020

Suffice it to say, this holiday season will be different from most! For many of us, this means that we won’t be engaging in our usual holiday traditions. But instead of being sad about that (okay, in addition to being sad about that), we’re going to take this opportunity to do some things a little … Continued

Recipes poke bowl recipes salmon salmon recipe

How To Safely Handle & Store Your Seafood

September 8, 2020

Many people find seafood intimidating, from fears of overcooking, to the belief it has to be complicated, to the most common concern: how to safely handle and store your seafood. If you’re worried about storing and handling your seafood safely, check out these simple guidelines and you’ll feel like a seafood superstar in no time! … Continued

Recipes poke bowl recipes salmon salmon recipe

Summer Salmon Recipes

August 18, 2020

Summer salmon is finally here! After a slower and later start to the season than normal, we’re excited to have some limited salmon in our online store for our members. To celebrate the salmon of our West Coast, we’ve gathered some incredible summer salmon recipes for you to try out in the last weeks of … Continued

Recipes poke bowl recipes salmon salmon recipe

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