News From the Top Deck

Thanksgiving is a holiday all about friends, family, comfort, and food. Although turkey may be the known as the staple at the Thanksgiving table, there are plenty of delicious seafood meal options ready to take center-stage. For those who aren’t really into cooking a whole turkey for the extended family, consider this recipe by Chef … Continued

News Recipes community supported fishery fishery kale salad recipe seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe thanksgiving thanksgiving table

Skipper Otto is Now Available in Victoria!

March 22, 2019

We are thrilled to announce that Skipper Otto memberships are now available in Victoria, BC Folks in Victoria interested in becoming members will now be able to pick up their orders at the Red Barn Market at 751 Vanalman Rd. One of the things I find most inspiring about my work at Skipper Otto is … Continued

News Recipes community supported fishery fishery kale salad recipe seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe thanksgiving thanksgiving table

Why We Love Chum (Keta) Salmon

August 17, 2017

Holistic nutritionist, and Skipper Otto’s member, Melissa Evanson continues her series of nutrition-focused blog posts with a look at our wonderful chum salmon. Have questions about seafood and nutrition? Email us at [email protected] with your questions and Melissa will answer them on our Facebook page. Chum salmon, also called keta, dog or silverbrite, tends to be the least known … Continued

News Recipes community supported fishery fishery kale salad recipe seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe thanksgiving thanksgiving table

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"My canned salmon arrived in the mail today and it is without a doubt the best I have ever tasted."