News From the Top Deck

We love poke bowls because they’re easy, adaptable, and sustainable seafood is undeniably the star of the dish – especially in this soy-ginger chinook salmon poke bowl! Chinook salmon – also sometimes called king salmon – is a favourite of our members thanks to its moist and velvety texture and rich flavour. In this recipe … Continued

Recipes poke bowl recipes salmon salmon recipe

How Chinook Salmon Saved Summer 2020

April 16, 2021

We say “fishing is unpredictable” a lot. Although we might know in theory when to expect a certain species, more often than not there is some complicating factor at play! Take for example, last year’s chinook salmon season.  Summer 2020 Chinook Surprise Last summer’s salmon season was disappointing for a lot of BC fishing families. Salmon … Continued

Recipes poke bowl recipes salmon salmon recipe

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"Getting salmon from Skipper Otto's makes living in Regina so much better... I'm from Vancouver, and having such delicious salmon "from home" is an amazing treat. My family and I are grateful. "