News From the Top Deck

(Photo courtesy of Shaun Strobel. Shaun and Lyndon Strobel on the Eldorado boat) This summer marked a big moment in the Strobel family — both our sons, Oliver and Lyndon, now have their faces on the salmon labels of fish they caught while fishing with their dad, Shaun! The idea for Skipper Otto was born … Continued

Fishing Stories bc fishing bc fishing industry chinook salmon fishing family fishing tales generational fishing gillnetting life at sea salmon gillnetting sustainable seafood

Fishing Adventures with Shaun and Oliver Strobel

July 31, 2023

(Photo courtesy of Shaun Strobel. Oliver Strobel on the Eldorado boat) My oldest son, Oliver, has been going out fishing with his dad, Shaun, and his grandpa, Otto, since he was 5 years old. It seems like just a couple of years ago that little boy was begging to go out fishing for the first … Continued

Fishing Stories bc fishing bc fishing industry chinook salmon fishing family fishing tales generational fishing gillnetting life at sea salmon gillnetting sustainable seafood

Salmon Gillnetting is Open!

June 14, 2019

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has just announced the first sockeye salmon gillnet openings of the year. Starting June 17th, three of our fishermen, Barry Marcotte, Inge Noringseth and Dean MacDonald, will hit the seas! They will be fishing Nass Sockeye north of Prince Rupert and will be heading out to set their nets … Continued

Fishing Stories bc fishing bc fishing industry chinook salmon fishing family fishing tales generational fishing gillnetting life at sea salmon gillnetting sustainable seafood

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