News From the Top Deck

(Photo credit: Justin Milton, a young Inuit man from Pond Inlet, explains what fish mean to Inuit) All this week, I am honoured to be a guest at a North-South knowledge sharing circle with Inuit youth convened by our friends at two great non-profit organizations: Ikaarvik and Ocean Wise. Ikaarvik is the Inuktitut word for … Continued

News community indigenous indigenous fishing listening truth and reconciliation

Celebrating Natasha Marshall Gallic – a strong, proud Tseshaht fisher

March 7, 2023

For International Women’s Day this year, I want to celebrate my friend Natasha Marshall Gallic, a role model woman who challenges the status quo, defies stereotypes, has a passion for reinventing for justice, and is a constant source of inspiration to me. Among her many talents, Natasha fishes for salmon for her family, her community, … Continued

News community indigenous indigenous fishing listening truth and reconciliation

The Importance of Food Systems & Community

March 27, 2020

In times of crisis like this, uncertainty is the new norm. We’re fearful and anxious about what lies ahead and what we should do next. But a few things have become abundantly clear to me in the last two weeks: the importance of robust, local food systems, and the importance of community. These two values … Continued

News community indigenous indigenous fishing listening truth and reconciliation

Baby on Board – Fishing is a Family Affair!

May 24, 2019

Pilar Martinelli, one of our lingcod fishermen, sent us this story about fishing as a family. Pilar describes the joy of including her toddler on their commercial fishing journeys! I find that most people are puzzled, worried, or shocked by the idea of taking a toddler on a working commercial fish boat, but for the … Continued

News community indigenous indigenous fishing listening truth and reconciliation

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"Reading your regular posts about who is where and what's happening in the various fishing places is so special. Helps us feel connected to the coast, the cycles, and the fish we enjoy."