Small-scale UK fishermen fought the big boys and won

Sonia - August 2, 2013

Recently, the ultimate clash between fishing fat cats and small scale, sustainable fishermen played out in the High Court in London. At stake was the privatisation of our seas, as large fish producer organisations argued that quota was their private property.

In a historic alliance with small scale fishermen and the New Under Ten Fishermen’s Association, Greenpeace fought to claim back the fish and seas. And we won.

This ruling paves the way for a major shake-up of the distorted UK quota system so that it rewards low-impact fishing, benefits coastal communities and ensures a healthy marine environment. Together we’re making this happen – share this video and help grow the movement of oceans defenders.

Sonia - August 2, 2013

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Small-scale UK fishermen fought the big boys and won

Sonia - August 2, 2013

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