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How It Works
Make a pledge to our community by signing up for your share before the season starts
Our local, independent fishing families hit the seas
Take your pick from our wide selection of sustainable choices
Pick up your delicious seafood at your nearest neighbourhood pick-up location!
Why Skipper Otto Works
We work only with independent Canadian fishermen and ensure they catch seafood according to the limits of the ocean and ensure its sustainable. They are in complete control of their livelihoods and working conditions. This makes them very happy!
Skipper Otto
Skipper Otto ensures fishermen receive fair pay for the fish they catch and receive their pay promptly. Skipper Otto labels seafood correctly and freezes it to ensure you’re getting the best quality and freshness. We then distribute it to select locations across Canada for you to enjoy!
You know where your seafood comes from, what it is, when it was caught, and who caught it. You get to enjoy a wide variety of delicious seafood, knowing that you are supporting Canadian fishing families and maintaining the integrity of our ocean ecosystem.
Why join Skipper Otto?
Fishermen’s Friend
Our fishermen are independent – we don’t own their boats, licences or quotas. They prefer working with us because we treat them with dignity and transparency, and pay living wages for their high quality, sustainably harvested catch.
Fair Prices
We work hard to keep our member prices competitive with other markets and fish shops. Our supply chain is direct — simpler than the complex, industrial system — making plenty of room for both a fair price for fishermen and for consumer.
Eating with the ecosystem
Eating with the ecosystem means matching our seafood consumption to the rhythms of nature and place. It means celebrating and respecting a region’s marine biodiversity by harvesting a diversity of seafood and respecting the unique seasonality of every species and fishery.