Do you know how our members have supported local fishing families?

It’s been a spectacular year here at Skipper Otto for our 10th anniversary season! As fishing wraps up for the season, I find myself looking back with enormous pride at all we accomplished this year and over the past decade.  

This year, pre-fishing-season member dollars had a huge impact on our fishing families! Members provided Scott and Karen the upfront dollars they desperately needed for upgrades to their boat and gear to ensure they could get out fishing again this year. Because of member support, Doug, our halibut fisherman was able to secure long term halibut quotas and get the gear needed to start fishing for sablefish. Growth in our number of members meant we were able to welcome aboard new fisherman, Darin Chung and Gordie Johnson. We also provided a stable price for Bruce and Pilar’s tuna and Scott and Karen’s prawns when the rest of the industry was all over the place. These are just a few of the examples of the real, tangible ways that our membership model is making life better for fishing families on BCs coast. 

Setting sail for 2020

In 2020, we will be welcoming aboard members in several new communities across Canada including Nanaimo, Salt Spring Island, Ottawa, and Hamilton. We’re also excited to be working with local indigenous fishing communities to help support their commercial fisheries in 2020 and beyond! 

All of this couldn’t be achieved without the support of our members. 10 great seasons of Skipper Otto have proven beyond a doubt that the Community Supported Fishery model works. 

Sign-up for 2020 is now open and we’d love to have you aboard! Join now and you’ll enjoy our lowest membership rates as well as the chance to win some great prizes. 

Hungry for more?

Members and Skipper Otto are making the Canadian seafood industry more transparent, traceable and sustainable. Read on to check out the splash we’re making!

Think boat to fork seafood is for you?

We have everything you need to know about becoming a Skipper Otto member and how you can sea-food differently.