Fishing family helps keep Vancouver’s waterfront heritage alive, by Daphne Bramham for the Vancouver Sun

Sonia - May 29, 2016

Read the full story at the Vancouver Sun.

Sonia Strobel displays fish that is available through Skipper Otto's community-supported fishery program. RIC ERNST / PNG
Sonia Strobel, co-founder of Skipper Otto, a for-profit social enterprise. RIC ERNST / PNG

“This is one of the rare cities in the world where a fishing fleet and its fishermen remain a viable part of the community.

This weekend was Harbour Days with fish barbecue by donation, a band and, on Saturday, many of them gathered on the dock at False Creek’s Fishermen’s Wharf for the annual blessing of the fleet. Later this week, they’ll start heading out for the first opening of the salmon season on June 7 in Barkley Sound.

A couple of weeks earlier, long lines of people threaded along the dock as the season’s first spot prawns were unloaded off the boats — live and wriggling — while chefs demonstrated how best to cook the delicacy.

This revival of interest belies the fact that over the past couple of decades, it’s been a struggle for fishermen like Otto Strobel who own their own boats.

Sonia - May 29, 2016

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Fishing family helps keep Vancouver’s waterfront heritage alive, by Daphne Bramham for the Vancouver Sun

Sonia - May 29, 2016

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