Final Week to Sign-up for Your Vancouver Membership!

Sonia - May 26, 2014

We remind all Skipper Otto’s CSF friends in Vancouver that you have just until Saturday to get one of the very few CSF member spots left in Vancouver for this year’s season! Sign-up until May 31st and enjoy all the fresh wild sustainable local seafood that our CSF is offering, with full boat-to-fork transparency, and you will not have to be on the waiting list for next year.

Our family owned CSF operates as a pay upfront / buy down system, meaning that you purchase a share at the beginning of the season and then have credit to buy fish over the summer and fall. We offer shares starting at $100, and in any increment of $100 (ie. $200, $300, $400, etc.) to suit different family sizes and budgets. By becoming a member of our CSF you are becoming an investor in small-scale local fishermen like Otto, Shaun and Duncan, supporting them to maintain their independence and continue to fish the way their grandfathers fished before them.

We offer a lot of flexibility as to what members can take. For instance, some of our members come and take their whole share in prawns, some take a little bit of everything, some take all whole salmon, etc. We also give our members high flexibility in where they can pick-up their share of seafood. We will send out regular emails about fresh fish pick-ups at the Granville Island Fisherman’s Wharf (usually 1-2/week, depending on what is in season). We also have regular Farmer’s Markets and pick-ups in Vancouver, the North Shore, and Burnaby that are listed on our online calendar.

By choosing to be a Skipper Otto member you are choosing to belong to a larger community of like-minded people and together we organize workshops on how to prepare and cook your fish, something that only our members can benefit of (non-members can participate, but for an extra fee). And as long as you are a member we are also offering you access to our community equipment library of resources on how to preserve and process your fish. All of these are chances for our members to interact and be more than simple consumers of fish.

Sonia, Shaun, Emma, and the whole fishing family are excited about having you join as our newest members!

Sonia - May 26, 2014

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Final Week to Sign-up for Your Vancouver Membership!

Sonia - May 26, 2014

Pledge your support and become a member to enjoy the freshest fish in BC!

Sign up now