Does my share expire?

We ask you to use up your share by the last scheduled pick-up in your area in the calendar year – usually Nov or Dec. (Note that brand new members who join in the autumn have until the end of the next calendar year to spend their share.) We ask you to spend down your full share because we use your membership dollars to catch seafood in that year and we can’t carry over a large inventory year to year. That being said – small leftover balances are not a concern. If you have credit remaining in your account at the end of the season, and you join again for the next season, small balances (up to around $50) will roll over to your next year share. If you have not signed up in the next season, we will hold all remaining balances in your account until the end of the sign up window and roll them over when you do renew. If you don’t renew in the next year, we will donate any unspent amounts to charity.