News From the Top Deck

In our opinion, adding spot prawns to anything is cause for celebration, so this light and flavourful spinach, strawberry, and spot prawn salad recipe is deserving of it’s own holiday! For this salad, we’ve indicated spot prawns that are already cooked and peeled. If you’re making it with live prawns, you can use these tips. … Continued

Recipes spot spot prawn salad spot prawn season

Easy Smoked Salmon Dip Recipe

April 14, 2022

We’re big fans of canned sustainable seafood. It’s portable, versatile, and it’s got a really long shelf life! If you’ve never had Skipper Otto canned salmon or tuna, it’s time to dive in –they’re nothing like the canned fish you’re used to. Most canned salmon you buy has had the oil pressed out of it … Continued

Recipes spot spot prawn salad spot prawn season

Sesame Crusted Albacore Tuna Loin

April 4, 2022

Ahi tuna may get all the attention, with it’s vibrant red flesh, but we think our locally-caught albacore tuna really gives it a run for its money. Albacore tuna has a firm, meaty texture and a mild flavour that lends itself well to all kinds of pairings and preparations. Plus, it’s high in protein, omega-3 … Continued

Recipes spot spot prawn salad spot prawn season

Kelp 101

April 1, 2022

Our kelp products have earned a name for themselves ever since we started offering kelp in 2020. They’re sustainable, healthy, hand-harvested by your kelper, Dafne Romero, in Haida Gwaii. In this blog you’ll learn more about our Wakame Flakes, Kombu Flakes, and Giant Kelp Mini Flakes. Read on for our “Kelp 101” including how each type … Continued

Recipes spot spot prawn salad spot prawn season

BBQ Lemongrass Curry Salmon Wrapped in Kelp Recipe

March 18, 2022

Skipper Otto members enjoy the best wild coast salmon, halibut, and tuna available – but they also get access to lesser-known seafood that they might not otherwise encounter. One of our more unique products is our sheets of giant kelp, harvested by Dafne Romero. A lot of members have been finding great ways to add … Continued

Recipes spot spot prawn salad spot prawn season

With the approach of spring and warmer weather, we’re looking for fresh-tasting light meals that are quick and easy to prepare, yet flavourful and satisfying. This salad roll-inspired Vietnamese spot prawn noodle salad checks all our boxes! What makes this recipe extra special is the combination of the salty nuoc cham dressing, the fresh crispy … Continued

Recipes recipes spot prawn salad spot prawns

Oyster Rockefeller with Kelp

February 20, 2022

  This recipe comes to us from Chris Kantowicz, our COO, who whipped this up for his Valentine’s dinner feast this week! His take on the classic Oyster Rockefeller incorporates our delicious giant kelp flakes for an original umami twist. 6 Pacific oysters, shucked 2 tsp giant kelp flakes 1 small onion, diced 3 cloves … Continued

Recipes recipes spot prawn salad spot prawns

5 Favourite Giant Kelp Recipes

February 17, 2022

We’ve been working with Dafne Romero for a little over two years to share her hand-harvested kelp from Haida Gwaii with our members. But it was only last summer that we managed to offer frozen kelp blades rather than our dried varieties. Believe it or not, these giant kelp blades are incredibly versatile, as illustrated … Continued

Recipes recipes spot prawn salad spot prawns

Beer Battered Lingcod Recipe

February 10, 2022

Ever since one of our favourite local restaurants added beer battered lingcod (from Skipper Otto!) and chips to their menu, we’ve been fully sold on lingcod as the ultimate fish and chips fish. You know we love to cook with beer, so you can imagine how excited we were to make this ourselves. If you … Continued

Recipes recipes spot prawn salad spot prawns

Soy-Ginger Chinook Salmon Poke Bowl Recipe

February 3, 2022

We love poke bowls because they’re easy, adaptable, and sustainable seafood is undeniably the star of the dish – especially in this soy-ginger chinook salmon poke bowl! Chinook salmon – also sometimes called king salmon – is a favourite of our members thanks to its moist and velvety texture and rich flavour. In this recipe … Continued

Recipes recipes spot prawn salad spot prawns

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Member since 2018

"I grew up on the west coast, daughter of an independent processor in the Alaskan fisheries. When I moved to Toronto 6 years ago I'd have my parents ship seafood to me from BC. So glad we have easier access to sustainable fisheries! "