News From the Top Deck

Thanksgiving is a holiday all about friends, family, comfort, and food. Although turkey may be the known as the staple at the Thanksgiving table, there are plenty of delicious seafood meal options ready to take center-stage. For those who aren’t really into cooking a whole turkey for the extended family, consider this recipe by Chef … Continued

News Recipes community supported fishery fishery kale salad recipe seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe thanksgiving thanksgiving table

Sablefish with Cranberries, Cashews, and Cauliflower

August 28, 2019

We’re so excited to have sablefish available to our members! Packed with omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin B6 and B12, as well as magnesium, they provide an easy way to get lots of nutrients into your diet. Sablefish are often considered one of the tastiest fish on the BC west coast alongside salmon, halibut, and … Continued

News Recipes community supported fishery fishery kale salad recipe seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe thanksgiving thanksgiving table

Octopus Recipe from Ned Bell

June 10, 2019

Now that Scott and Karen’s delicious octopus is in the store, we knew that you would need an awesome octopus recipe! We’ve helped you with the first part of the recipe – tenderizing the octopus by flash freezing it. Now, all you need to worry about is having the ingredients ready and following the instructions from our … Continued

News Recipes community supported fishery fishery kale salad recipe seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe thanksgiving thanksgiving table

Lingcod Cheeks

May 15, 2019

Lingcod cheeks are such a rare treat and we’re always excited when Pilar phones in to say they have a load of them ready for our members! Bruce and Pilar catch your lingcod while trolling — a fishing method in which lines of baited hooks are dragged slowly behind a boat in mid-water. Bruce hand-picks … Continued

News Recipes community supported fishery fishery kale salad recipe seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe thanksgiving thanksgiving table

Chilled Spot Prawn Salad

May 15, 2019

With the long awaited return of spot prawn season upon us, we wanted to share our friend Chef Ned Bell’s delicious recipe. This Chilled Spot Prawn Salad is refreshing, healthy, and features our very own sustainable Skipper Otto spot prawns! Ingredients: 16-24 Skipper Otto spot prawns (4-6 per person) 2.5 pints of heirloom tomatoes 2 … Continued

News Recipes community supported fishery fishery kale salad recipe seafood recipe sustainable seafood sustainable seafood recipe thanksgiving thanksgiving table

Try this recipe by Chef Ned Bell that brings halibut, spring peas, and spinach puree all together in one fantastic dish! Serves 4 Spinach-pea puree Ingredients 1 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 1 shallot, finely chopped 1 tsp sea salt 3 cups fresh or frozen peas 5 cups spinach leaves ½ cup whipping cream, plus extra … Continued

Recipes easter easter dinner halibut lure ned bell seafood dinner spinach puree spring peas

Why We Love Chum (Keta) Salmon

August 17, 2017

Holistic nutritionist, and Skipper Otto’s member, Melissa Evanson continues her series of nutrition-focused blog posts with a look at our wonderful chum salmon. Have questions about seafood and nutrition? Email us at [email protected] with your questions and Melissa will answer them on our Facebook page. Chum salmon, also called keta, dog or silverbrite, tends to be the least known … Continued

Recipes easter easter dinner halibut lure ned bell seafood dinner spinach puree spring peas

Tips for BBQing a whole salmon

August 1, 2017

The BC Day long weekend is just a few days away. You’re having 10 people over for a BBQ. What’s a quick, easy, and impressive main dish? A whole fresh salmon on the BBQ, of course!   I’m no chef, but I’ve BBQd a lot of fish! Here are my top tips for BBQing a … Continued

Recipes easter easter dinner halibut lure ned bell seafood dinner spinach puree spring peas

Seared Albacore Tuna

July 23, 2017

Having premium quality sustainable Canadian seafood makes supper a cinch! This delicious meal whips together in mere minutes. Add a side dish and you’ve got a main course. Our albacore tuna is troll-caught off the west coast of British Columbia, and flash-frozen at sea to maintain utmost freshness! Did you like this video? We hope … Continued

Recipes easter easter dinner halibut lure ned bell seafood dinner spinach puree spring peas

California Poke

June 11, 2017

This tasty treat is so easy to make and full of those omega 3’s we’re all after! Did you know? Omega 3’s in supplement form do not have the same effect as from whole foods. And the effects are not present when fish is fried — only baked, steamed, boiled, or raw. Did you like … Continued

Recipes easter easter dinner halibut lure ned bell seafood dinner spinach puree spring peas

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