News From the Top Deck

How does Skipper Otto decide what fish to offer its members? Well, our objective is both to protect marine ecosystems for many generations to come and to support a small-scale fishing way of life in coastal communities. But that’s no simple task! First, we look to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), which makes its decisions … Continued


Salmon Sourcing Strategy 2021

May 14, 2021

Early last year, before the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic had begun to affect BC’s seafood industry in unprecedented ways, we at Skipper Otto already had a challenge on our hands. After years of proudly selling OceanWise recommended sockeye, chum, and pink salmon, we found ourselves reeling from a sudden change. When the industry body responsible for … Continued


What do I do with live spot prawns?

May 9, 2021

Excited to pick up your live spot prawns, but a bit terrified about what to do with them? No problem! Handling and processing spot prawns is actually quite simple. At our member prawn pick-ups, we’ll have a station for you to tail your prawns. But in the meantime, here are some tips to keep in … Continued


Frozen Imported Shrimp: What are the implications?

April 21, 2021

As you’ve probably heard, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans recently made the sale of frozen-at-sea spot prawns illegal, effectively stopping the sale of all frozen spot-prawns to Canadian markets. After a lot of pushback, (including from Skipper Otto members!) the DFO has now said they won’t be enforcing the rule this year, but the rule still exists, so … Continued


How Chinook Salmon Saved Summer 2020

April 16, 2021

We say “fishing is unpredictable” a lot. Although we might know in theory when to expect a certain species, more often than not there is some complicating factor at play! Take for example, last year’s chinook salmon season.  Summer 2020 Chinook Surprise Last summer’s salmon season was disappointing for a lot of BC fishing families. Salmon … Continued


There’s been a lot of talk about Seaspiracy, a new Netflix documentary, where stories behind the industrial fishing industry are exposed. A few members have reached out to us to voice their concerns about Seaspiracy, and we totally understand – the Skipper Otto team was also disturbed by the film! The truth is, the realities … Continued


We Need Your Help to Save the Spot Prawn Season!

March 12, 2021

April 26, 2021 update: Thanks to your amazing outpouring of support, our fight to keep the DFO from banning frozen-at-sea spot prawns has reached the next stage — and now we need your help again! We received over 4,000 signatures on our first petition that we sent you in March, and we got the attention … Continued


What Do I Do With a Live Oyster?

January 9, 2021

Fresh BC oysters are not only a delicious treat, they are incredibly nutritious, have a low environmental impact, come straight out of our local waters, and are easy to prepare with a little knowledge and the right tools. Plus, when you get them directly from the oyster grower and shuck or prepare them yourself, you’ll … Continued


Thanks For Your Support in 2020!

November 27, 2020

What a year 2020 was! I’m so proud and humbled by all our members, including those who joined for the first time ever, and those who have been with us for years. Our members came together to support fishing families and to create a better sustainable seafood system – one that works for people, communities, … Continued


Active Listening: Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Perspectives on Canada’s Fisheries

November 25, 2020

When tensions in the Nova Scotia lobster fishery between Indigenous and non-Indigenous fishermen erupted into violence last month, we all watched with dismay and fear, concerned for the safety and livelihoods of the Mi’kmaq fishermen. Like you, we worried about how a peaceful resolution would be found and what this conflict meant for Indigenous/ non-Indigenous … Continued


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"Thank you for supplying such a delicious, healthy, sustainable product along with the interesting and connecting information about those who fish!"