News From the Top Deck

The Human Scale of the CSF

December 14, 2015


We receive so many lovely emails from our members talking about why the CSF is special to them. This message from Elana in Vancouver was so touching — it showed us that our deeply held values really do come across in all that we do. Thank you, Elana, for allowing me to share your email with our … Continued


Fishing Under a Rogue’s Moon

October 29, 2015

This week, there were times the moon was so bright, Shaun could fish from it’s light alone and didn’t need a deck light to pick the net. The pull of the moon also caused an extreme, 4 metre tide last night making for an eventful night of fishing! As the tide moves from ebb to … Continued


Meet Your Prawner, Ivan Askgaard

October 9, 2015

We met Ivan by chance when he decided to bring his boat over to Vancouver from Powell River to try to sell some of his frozen-at-sea spot prawns at the False Creek Fishermen’s Wharf. Naturally, when we saw him set up his sign, we just had to go meet him and find out if he … Continued


Skipper Otto’s and Chef Ned Bell Launch Canada’s First Restaurant Supported Fishery

October 5, 2015

The first-of-its-kind program restructures the marketplace and allows commercial fishermen, and the bounty of coastal ecosystems, to decide what species of local fish participating chefs and restaurants will offer their guests. VANCOUVER, CANADA — Skipper Otto’s Community Supported Fishery (CSF) and Chef Ned Bell announced today the launch of the first Canadian Dock to Dish … Continued


A Stormy End to the Summer Fishing Season

September 2, 2015

Oliver’s big wish this summer was to go on a long fishing trip with his dad, Shaun. On Monday, August 24th, just weeks before starting grade two, he got his wish as Shaun and Oliver left Vancouver to travel up to Nootka Sound. They planned to fish the final Chinook salmon opening for the area … Continued


What’s the Difference Between the Salmon Species?   Many people know sockeye to be the most highly prized of the salmon species, but they often don’t know much about the other delicious and abundant species. According to a recent research paper by Dr Rashid Sumaila of the UBC Fisheries Centre, climate change is responsible for … Continued


Fishing with the boys

August 13, 2015

By August, Shaun has spent a good chunk of his summer away from his family, fishing alone in very isolated parts of this coast. It’s lonely, exhausting work. Last week, he suggested I bring the boys for the final night of fishing in Alberni Inlet near Barkley Sound. At first, I was hesitant. Lyndon is … Continued


What’s the Story on By-Catch?

August 11, 2015

Since all the products we carry are carefully investigated by our fisheries sustainability specialist, you can be confident that the species population is abundant, stable, and well managed, but also that the fishing method used has a minimal environmental impact and minimal by-catch. But what is by-catch? Most broadly, by-catch is defined as marine animals … Continued


Business Throws Fishermen A Lifeline, by Nelson Bennett for Business Vancouver

August 11, 2015

Read the full story at Business Vancouver. “Seven years ago, when it had become apparent that the Fraser River gillnet fishery was fast losing the ability to provide full-time work, Otto Strobel, 74, decided it was time to pack it in and pull in his nets for good. His son, Shaun Strobel, had already quit … Continued


How Is The Heat Affecting Spawning Salmon?

August 7, 2015

We’ve had incredible summer weather since May out here in Vancouver and many of us on the coast have been thrilled with the warm weather and lack of rain! But you’ve probably also heard about all the forest fires in BC and we know that all this hot dry weather comes at a price. So, … Continued


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Member since 2018

"I grew up on the west coast, daughter of an independent processor in the Alaskan fisheries. When I moved to Toronto 6 years ago I'd have my parents ship seafood to me from BC. So glad we have easier access to sustainable fisheries! "