News From the Top Deck

Growing Up Fishing, part 1

February 3, 2017


This is the first in a series of blog posts by Skipper Otto’s co-founder, Shaun Strobel, about his experience growing up fishing on the BC coast with his dad, Otto. Stay tuned for further instalments in the series! The 2017 fishing season will mark forty years since the first summer I spent gillnetting for salmon with … Continued


Top 15 Sustainable Initiatives in British Columbia, L’Autre Couleur by Emie-Claude Lamoureux

December 2, 2016

Read the full story at L’Autre Couleur. “British Columbia is home to so many sustainable companies, organizations, influencers and movements. It was quite difficult to choose our Top 15 Sustainable Initiatives in British Columbia! After reviewing various mission statements, strategies and developments, we are happy to feature these amazing sustainable initiatives that are improving, protecting and … Continued


Ethics, economics collide in Canada’s seafood sector, Business in Vancouver, South China Morning Post

November 11, 2016

Read the full story at   “Suppliers who boycott unsustainable seafood contend with less-conscientious competition Another option for consumers who want to be as sustainable as possible is to become a member of community-supported fisheries such as Vancouver’s Skipper Otto’s. That company gets members to pre-purchase a share of one of about 30 British Columbian … Continued


5 Salmon Runs That Were Awesome This Year, by Vancouver is Awesome

November 7, 2016

Read the full story at Vancouver is Awesome. “The media loves a bad news story. All summer and fall, you probably saw headlines like “‘Grim’ Fraser River salmon runs even worse than forecast” and “Low B.C. salmon stocks prompt consumer warning.” With headlines like this, it’s easy to start to wonder if we should even be … Continued


‘Largest’ recorded chum salmon run: 2 million fish overload nets, burden boats, By Yvette Brend, CBC News

November 5, 2016

Read the full story at ‘I knew guys that were having nets starting to sink there were so many extra fish’ “Record numbers of chum salmon — two million fish — returned to B.C’s West Coast this year, bringing good news for fishermen fatigued by word of record lows of Fraser River sockeye. “We’ve had … Continued


The media loves a bad news story. All summer and fall, you probably saw headlines like “‘Grim’ Fraser River salmon runs even worse than forecast” and “Low B.C. salmon stocks prompt consumer warning.” With headlines like this, it’s easy to start to wonder if we should even be eating BC salmon. There’s no doubt that … Continued


Canada’s RadicalGenerosity funding model gears up for global expansion, by Denise Deveau, Financial Post

October 12, 2016

Read the full story at the Financial Post. “40% Growth A homegrown funding program, which helped five female entrepreneurs achieve about 30 per cent revenue growth in its first year, was so successful the initiative is doubling its size in Canada and being rolled out internationally. Vancouver-based Sonia Strobel, managing director of Skipper Otto’s Community Supported … Continued


Our Ocean Wise Chinook & Coho salmon

September 16, 2016

The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch report recently labelled some south coast BC chinook and coho salmon as “red” or “not recommended” for sustainability reasons. No one has been fishing for these salmon this year so imagine our surprise at the flurry of press this report received in order to warn consumers. We actually feel these … Continued


Russian Sockeye Salmon?

September 2, 2016

You may have noticed that the market has recently been flooded with fresh sockeye salmon. Members of our Community Supported Fishery know that there is no ocean sockeye salmon fishing happening in BC right now. So if there is no fishing on the Fraser river, where is this salmon coming from? And why is it … Continued


Where is the halibut?

August 31, 2016

Many of our members are asking when they can expect to see halibut in the store. Unfortunately, halibut has been extremely challenging this year and, at this point, it looks like we won’t be able to secure any for our members. We think it’s important that our members understand why this is necessary for our … Continued


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"My canned salmon arrived in the mail today and it is without a doubt the best I have ever tasted."