News From the Top Deck

You’ve probably heard us talk about how difficult it is for fishing families to make a living fishing because of policies around ownership of licenses and quotas in BC that favour large corporations and foreign investors over individual fishing families. And we’re so excited to have some good news to share on the topic! Let … Continued

Fishing Stories fishing

Operation Pomfret

May 10, 2019

Pilar Martinelli, from one of our lingcod fishing families, sends this report from their ongoing lingcod fishing trip this month. This month’s story depicts the journey of a school of Pomfret fish along the Klaskino Inlet. Fishing is fishing. Day in, day out, there isn’t much variance outside the seas, winds, and weather. Some days … Continued

Fishing Stories fishing

Meet your Prawner, Scott Lincez

May 3, 2016

We’re pleased to introduce you to Scott Lincez, your prawner and shrimper! Scott is a first generation fisherman who has been fishing for over 30 years. He raised his 6 daughters near Qualicum BC where he has done just about every type of fishing you can imagine: seining, crabbing, herring, you name it. More recently, … Continued

Fishing Stories fishing

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"Knowing my fishermen means I know that the quality if the seafood will be great, I am not contributing to overfishing, and that no slave labour was used to catch what is put on my table."