News From the Top Deck

A Day at the Wharf

September 23, 2022

Fishing Stories

I truly believe that when you create space for a diversity of voices to be heard, that’s when really beautiful collaboration and co-creation happen. This is our theory of change in action: it is through active listening and creating opportunities for voices to be heard that, together,  we build a just and equitable seafood system. The … Continued

Fishing Stories

Active Listening in Action

August 15, 2022

A while ago, I shared with you some of my reflections after a month of active listening on the topic of Indigenous/ non-Indigenous fishing relations. Little did I know, that work would shape the year ahead in profound ways, helping us articulate the purpose and vision of Skipper Otto, and guiding our everyday decision-making. And … Continued

Fishing Stories

Treasures and More Treasures!

June 24, 2022

The best day on a fishing boat includes sunshine, flat calm seas, and abundant fish. We were so lucky to experience one of those glorious days this time around. So glorious that we had the deck freezers full by 3PM. In all my years of fishing (a total of 8), this was a first. With … Continued

Fishing Stories

Seasoned Rookies

June 8, 2022

Pilar Martinelli’s annual lingcod fishing stories are here! This is her fourth year fishing with a toddler on board, alongside her husband Bruce, and the rest of his crew on their 50′ troller, Tantrum No. 1. The challenges of being a mom aboard a fishing vessel never seem to hinder Pilar’s creativity and sense of … Continued

Fishing Stories

Eldorado is Back!

June 6, 2022

Guess what? This old salmon gillnetter, Eldorado, is back in the family! Why so excited, you might ask? I mean, let’s be clear: to say she’s rustic is an understatement. She’s definitely no pleasure boat. There are a couple of bunks, a sink, a little fridge and a stove. If you want to shower, you’ll … Continued

Fishing Stories

Our latest batch of Arctic char was a special one, hailing all the way from Kannak Lake and Tubliniq Lake in Nunavut. You see, the char in these lakes can only be fished by harvesters holding a special experimental license. Very little data exists on the char populations in these two lakes, but Project Nunavut (the non-profit we work with to get our … Continued

Fishing Stories News arctic char sustainability

A Victory for Spot Prawn Harvesters!

January 17, 2022

We’re thrilled to celebrate a wonderful victory today: the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans has just announced that prawn harvesters will be allowed to continue to tub and freeze their catch at sea for the foreseeable future. As you know (or, if you don’t, check out our blog from December!), nearly one year ago the Department … Continued

Fishing Stories News arctic char sustainability

Meet Bretton Hills, your frozen oyster harvester!

January 5, 2022

We’re absolutely thrilled to introduce you to your newest oyster harvester, Bretton Hills! Coming from a background in food security consulting, Bretton had always wanted to work at the forefront of the regenerative food movement. A few years ago, she decided it was time to quit her consulting job, take some business courses, and get … Continued

Fishing Stories News arctic char sustainability

T-Rex vs Captain Daddy-O

May 26, 2021

Some of our member’s favourite fishing family stories come from Pilar Martinelli! Once again, she’s been kind enough to share a little glimpse into her fishing family’s life with us. We hope you enjoy this next chapter in the Martinelli’s adventures in lingcod fishing with their little one on board! This is our fourth go … Continued

Fishing Stories News arctic char sustainability

How Chinook Salmon Saved Summer 2020

April 16, 2021

We say “fishing is unpredictable” a lot. Although we might know in theory when to expect a certain species, more often than not there is some complicating factor at play! Take for example, last year’s chinook salmon season.  Summer 2020 Chinook Surprise Last summer’s salmon season was disappointing for a lot of BC fishing families. Salmon … Continued

Fishing Stories News arctic char sustainability

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"I picked up my order from the St. Leon Market this afternoon. All looks so delicious! I can hardly wait to share with family and friends."