News From the Top Deck

Rick Spence | March 17, 2016 4:39 PM ET “Vicky Saunders, founder of SheEO, has been an entrepreneur and change agent for two decades . . . Along the way [she] says she has used just about every financing tool there is . . . And she’s found them all lacking . . . Where, … Continued


A Fisherman’s Reflections on Herring

March 14, 2016

(This is a guest post by one of our fisherman, Ivan Askgaard, as he reflected on the herring seine fishery currently going on in BC.) The aluminum purse seiner in front of the red one in this photo taken last week at Steveston waits to unload a hold full of herring. At this time of … Continued


The Life of A Fishing Family During the Herring Spawn

March 13, 2016

Every year in early March, Shaun heads out herring roe fishing with Stewart, James, and a number of other fishermen from the False Creek Fishermen’s Wharf. It has always seemed like a pretty crazy, unpredictable fishery to me. The weather is usually dramatic with gales, heavy rain, hail, and then sometimes, beautiful sun. Such is … Continued


Love the ugly oysters!

March 9, 2016

Not all oysters are loved by the marketplace. They are normally judged by the shape and size of their shells. But real life is messier than that. Sometimes they grow together in a small clump or their shells grow into funny shapes. But the meat inside these misshapen shells is still the same creamy, delicious, … Continued


Now Offering Oysters!

March 9, 2016

We’re so excited to introduce you to Delia Becker and Scott Rempel, part of a community of shellfish growers on Cortes Island, BC. We’ve spent close to a year getting to know Delia, Scott, their shellfish, and the local shellfish industry, and we are so pleased that we’ve finally found a way to offer live, … Continued


Read the full article at The Vancouver Sun. “Five Canadian female entrepreneurs, including three from British Columbia, have been named the first recipients of Radical Generosity, a grassroots campaign aimed at transforming how female entrepreneurs are funded and supported . . .The three B.C. entrepreneurs are Toni Desrosiers, Abeego Designs, Inc., which makes a natural … Continued


SheEO Radical Generosity Award!

February 24, 2016

I am filled with gratitude at having been selected as one of the SheEO Radical Generosity fund’s Top 5 women-led ventures! I found out that I was selected for this honour back in December but had to keep it secret until the retreat and gala that happened this week in Toronto. Along with 5 other … Continued


Three BC women among five winners of grassroots business campaign by Simon Druker for News 1130

February 23, 2016

Read the full article at News 1130. “VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – Three BC business owners are among the five winners of a grassroots campaign aimed at transforming how entrepreneurs are funded and supported. Sonia Strobel’s Skipper Otto’s Community Supported Fishery is among the winners. “It makes it a reality. So we’ve been working for years on … Continued


Female funding initiative doles out cash to entrepreneurs by Clare O’Hara for the Globe and Mail

February 22, 2016

Read the full article at The Globe and Mail. “A new funding initiative for female entrepreneurs provided five startup companies a chance to battle it out in the boardroom with $500,000 on the table. The result wasn’t what you see on Dragon’s Den – but rather a collaborative process that saw each company walk away … Continued


Vancouver’s very own Skipper Otto’s Sonia Strobel to give the keynote address at the North American Local Seafood Summit in Norfolk Virginia on Tuesday, February 16.

February 15, 2016

Community leaders and representatives from across North America’s locally focused and sustainable fishing industry are coming together to collaborate and create a network that is committed to supporting social, ecological, and economic sustainability by way of local and direct seafood marketing. ‘Moving Community Supported Fisheries & Values–Based Fishing Businesses Forward’ is the proactive goal of … Continued


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"I love picking up at the location that you’ve chosen. The store itself is kind of cool and gives us a few other things to browse through, while we’re waiting for them to bring out our order."