News From the Top Deck

Welcome aboard Skipper Otto Community Supported Fishery! We are thrilled that you found us and we can’t wait to get to know each other. My name is Sonia Strobel and, along with my husband, Shaun, I founded Skipper Otto Community Supported Fishery to connect conscientious consumers (like you!) directly to local, independent fishing families (like … Continued


10 Years & Growing Strong

May 2, 2019

Thankful. Humbled. Thrilled.  What more can we really say that would properly capture how amazing it was to celebrate with so many of you at our 10-Year Anniversary Gala?! Here are a few of the highlights for those who couldn’t join us and a few memories for those of you that were there!  The theme … Continued


Fresh vs Frozen: Why Frozen Wins

April 23, 2019

In a blind taste-test conducted by Ecotrust, consumers rated flash-frozen fish equal to or higher than fresh fish across the board. This tells us that the “fresh over frozen” myth is just that: a myth. Fresh-never-frozen fish does not taste better than flash-frozen fish. In many cases, the opposite is true! The implications of this … Continued


Halibut with Spring Peas and Spinach Puree Recipe

April 18, 2019

Try this recipe by Chef Ned Bell that brings halibut, spring peas, and spinach puree all together in one fantastic dish! Serves 4 Spinach-pea puree Ingredients 1 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 1 shallot, finely chopped 1 tsp sea salt 3 cups fresh or frozen peas 5 cups spinach leaves ½ cup whipping cream, plus extra … Continued


“FRESH” versus Frozen

April 3, 2019

When you think of frozen food, what comes to mind? Microwave meals? Cardboard pretending to be pizza? It used to be that freezing was simply a method of preserving fresh food. Now, freezing is associated with lower quality, processed products that barely count as food. Fresh, on the other hand, is associated with healthier, higher … Continued


Did you know that Canada allows more than 200 species of fish to be labelled “snapper”? 100 as rockfish? 125 as crab? 40 as shrimp? 14 as tuna? (source: Oceana Canada’s 2018 report on seafood mislabelling). This might not mean much to you at first… until you realize that each of these 200 species of … Continued

News europe european union labels oceana canada seafood mislabelling transparency

Skipper Otto is Now Available in Victoria!

March 22, 2019

We are thrilled to announce that Skipper Otto memberships are now available in Victoria, BC Folks in Victoria interested in becoming members will now be able to pick up their orders at the Red Barn Market at 751 Vanalman Rd. One of the things I find most inspiring about my work at Skipper Otto is … Continued

News europe european union labels oceana canada seafood mislabelling transparency

Skipper Otto Wins Pitch for the Purse!

February 26, 2019

The Forum for Women Entrepreneurs crowned its 2019 winner at the Odlum Brown Pitch for the Purse Gala on Thursday, February 21, and our very own co-founder and CEO, Sonia Strobel, walked away with the prize!  The Pitch for the Purse is a national mentorship program for women entrepreneurs that helps them succeed in business. … Continued

News europe european union labels oceana canada seafood mislabelling transparency

Meet your Scallop Fishermen, Joel and Melissa Collier

February 14, 2019

We couldn’t be more excited to introduce you to Melissa and Joel Collier, our Skipper Otto fishing family! Did you know wild BC scallops even existed? Wild BC scallops are abundant, sustainable, and Ocean Wise recommended. Did you know there was a wild fishery for them? Most people probably don’t! And if there ever was … Continued

News europe european union labels oceana canada seafood mislabelling transparency

The Great Fresh vs. Frozen Debate

September 9, 2018

Frozen fish has unfortunately earned itself a pretty poor reputation over the years, largely due to bad handling of seafood and poor freezing techniques. When I was a kid, I can remember eating frozen fish that was mushy and tasteless. Many people would turn their noses up at “frozen” seafood as though just by being … Continued

News europe european union labels oceana canada seafood mislabelling transparency

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Member since 2018

"This is an amazing service. I love that the food is from right outside my window and I can walk to pick up the catch. Plus we keep local people working. :)"