News From the Top Deck

What a year 2020 was! I’m so proud and humbled by all our members, including those who joined for the first time ever, and those who have been with us for years. Our members came together to support fishing families and to create a better sustainable seafood system – one that works for people, communities, … Continued

News bc fishing industry community supported fishery Fishermen Community fishermen news hake skipper otto

Active Listening: Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Perspectives on Canada’s Fisheries

November 25, 2020

When tensions in the Nova Scotia lobster fishery between Indigenous and non-Indigenous fishermen erupted into violence last month, we all watched with dismay and fear, concerned for the safety and livelihoods of the Mi’kmaq fishermen. Like you, we worried about how a peaceful resolution would be found and what this conflict meant for Indigenous/ non-Indigenous … Continued

News bc fishing industry community supported fishery Fishermen Community fishermen news hake skipper otto

Stories from the Sea: Adventures Gillnetting Chum Salmon with Doug Kostering

November 9, 2020

When you imagine life as a fisherman, it’s easy to picture an idyllic existence. One where it’s always sunny and clear and the seas are never rough.  Maybe this is because for a lot of us, our main interaction with fishing is as a recreational activity. But fishing for a living isn’t easy, and sometimes things … Continued

News bc fishing industry community supported fishery Fishermen Community fishermen news hake skipper otto

Gillnetting – how it works

November 6, 2020

Ever wondered how Skipper Otto fishermen catch your fish? A lot of them (including Otto himself!) are gillnet fishermen. This means they use nets that lay vertically in the water like a fence. Lead weights at the bottom of the net and floating corks attached to the top of the net keep the net in place.  Fish swim into the net and get … Continued

News bc fishing industry community supported fishery Fishermen Community fishermen news hake skipper otto

Fall Seafood Recipes Roundup

September 28, 2020

The great thing about fall cooking is all the fresh produce and fruit available, and the opportunity to make meals for both warm and cooler days! We’ve put together a variety of yummy fall sustainable seafood recipes to help you expand your repertoire this season. All of these recipes will be delicious with your Skipper … Continued

News bc fishing industry community supported fishery Fishermen Community fishermen news hake skipper otto

Even if you’re used to cooking and eating scallops at home, you’re probably not used to seeing them in the shell. You may not even know that what we usually refer to as a scallop – those little round white nuggets – are actually just part of the scallop. They are the scallop’s adductor muscle … Continued

Recipes frozen seafood scallops seafood recipe

How To Safely Handle & Store Your Seafood

September 8, 2020

Many people find seafood intimidating, from fears of overcooking, to the belief it has to be complicated, to the most common concern: how to safely handle and store your seafood. If you’re worried about storing and handling your seafood safely, check out these simple guidelines and you’ll feel like a seafood superstar in no time! … Continued

Recipes frozen seafood scallops seafood recipe

Summer Salmon Recipes

August 18, 2020

Summer salmon is finally here! After a slower and later start to the season than normal, we’re excited to have some limited salmon in our online store for our members. To celebrate the salmon of our West Coast, we’ve gathered some incredible summer salmon recipes for you to try out in the last weeks of … Continued

Recipes frozen seafood scallops seafood recipe

How do gear methods work?

August 3, 2020

How was this fish caught? This is an important question you should be asking anytime you eat seafood. Some gear methods can have damaging effects on delicate marine ecosystems and animal populations while others are designed to do the least damage to habitats and to minimize by-catch. Here is a quick explanation of some of the … Continued

Recipes frozen seafood scallops seafood recipe

Seafood is Brain Food!

July 17, 2020

Our members often tell us that they’ve noticed they eat more sustainable seafood since becoming Skipper Otto members. Making healthy choices for you, your family and those you feed is not always the easiest thing to pull off, so a big congratulations to those who have found ways to work more seafood into their diet! … Continued

Recipes frozen seafood scallops seafood recipe

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