News From the Top Deck

We take pride in being able to tell you exactly who caught each piece of fish where, when, and how. And the nature of salmon gillnetting makes this an extra special challenge. But Skipper Otto is always up for the challenge to reinvent systems for justice and equity! So, I wanted to share with you … Continued


Seafood Recipe Round-Up: Summer 2021

July 27, 2021

It’s Our Summer Seafood Recipe Round-Up! As you might expect, the Skipper Otto team ends up cooking and eating a lot of Canadian sustainable seafood. You might even say we’re experts on what makes a fantastic seafood recipe. We thought we’d share some of the recipes we’re loving this month so you can take advantage … Continued


Meet Truong Le Nguyen, Our Newest Prawner!

June 30, 2021

Meet Truong Le Nguyen, our newest prawner! This past season he fished along the central coast of BC, tailing and freezing his prawn catch for our members. Originally from Vietnam, Truong was one of the first boat people (refugees who fled Vietnam after the war) to land in the Philippines, and he was sponsored to … Continued


We Depend on Salmon and They Depend on Us

June 21, 2021

Salmon are an integral part of the fabric of society in BC, bringing enormous cultural, social, economic, nutritional, and environmental value to this place. Salmon face many threats in our modern world, but humans have coexisted with salmon for millennia, and we can continue to do so for many more. It’s our responsibility to protect … Continued


Summer Shellfish Super Stars

June 14, 2021

By Emily De Sousa @seasidewithemily  BBQ Swimming Scallops  Swimming scallops had me scratching my head the first time I ever ordered them from Skipper Otto, but now they’re a staple in my house. They’re a fan-favourite among my family and friends, especially in the summer months when I grill them on the BBQ using this recipe.   Making swimming scallops … Continued


Some of our member’s favourite fishing family stories come from Pilar Martinelli! Once again, she’s been kind enough to share a little glimpse into her fishing family’s life with us. We hope you enjoy this next chapter in the Martinelli’s adventures in lingcod fishing with their little one on board! This is our fourth go … Continued

Fishing Stories

What rockfish will Skipper Otto carry this year?

May 17, 2021

How does Skipper Otto decide what fish to offer its members? Well, our objective is both to protect marine ecosystems for many generations to come and to support a small-scale fishing way of life in coastal communities. But that’s no simple task! First, we look to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), which makes its decisions … Continued

Fishing Stories

Salmon Sourcing Strategy 2021

May 14, 2021

Early last year, before the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic had begun to affect BC’s seafood industry in unprecedented ways, we at Skipper Otto already had a challenge on our hands. After years of proudly selling OceanWise recommended sockeye, chum, and pink salmon, we found ourselves reeling from a sudden change. When the industry body responsible for … Continued

Fishing Stories

What do I do with live spot prawns?

May 9, 2021

Excited to pick up your live spot prawns, but a bit terrified about what to do with them? No problem! Handling and processing spot prawns is actually quite simple. At our member prawn pick-ups, we’ll have a station for you to tail your prawns. But in the meantime, here are some tips to keep in … Continued

Fishing Stories

Frozen Imported Shrimp: What are the implications?

April 21, 2021

As you’ve probably heard, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans recently made the sale of frozen-at-sea spot prawns illegal, effectively stopping the sale of all frozen spot-prawns to Canadian markets. After a lot of pushback, (including from Skipper Otto members!) the DFO has now said they won’t be enforcing the rule this year, but the rule still exists, so … Continued

Fishing Stories

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Member since 2018

"We’re truly pleased to be part of Skipper Otto’s community. Never before have we enjoyed such fresh seafood! That is, unless we caught the fish ourselves! :)"