News From the Top Deck

We’re thrilled to celebrate a wonderful victory today: the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans has just announced that prawn harvesters will be allowed to continue to tub and freeze their catch at sea for the foreseeable future. As you know (or, if you don’t, check out our blog from December!), nearly one year ago the Department … Continued

Fishing Stories News

Meet Bretton Hills, your frozen oyster harvester!

January 5, 2022

We’re absolutely thrilled to introduce you to your newest oyster harvester, Bretton Hills! Coming from a background in food security consulting, Bretton had always wanted to work at the forefront of the regenerative food movement. A few years ago, she decided it was time to quit her consulting job, take some business courses, and get … Continued

Fishing Stories News

The Fight for BC’s Spot Prawn Fishery Continues

December 15, 2021

Thank you for your help with putting pressure on the DFO to overturn their latest decision on spot prawn tubbing! Signing our petition is easy. You can also scroll down for any background info to get caught up! And if you aren’t familiar with what happened this year, you can watch this background video, or … Continued

Fishing Stories News

Answers to all your questions during the holidays!

December 15, 2021

We’ve put together this special holiday FAQ for you so we don’t leave you hanging while we take a much-needed holiday break! We’ll be back in the office on January 4th to answer any questions that don’t get covered here. Are you trying to place an order? We are all finished for the year and … Continued

Fishing Stories News

Our Accomplishments This Year (So Far!)

November 5, 2021

Between some brand new products, new pick-up locations, and Sonia’s work as an advocate for fair policy change, we’re incredibly proud of what we accomplished this year at Skipper Otto! Some Highlights… Back in March, we started offering Arctic char to our members, which marked a big first for Skipper Otto: supporting a fishing family … Continued

Fishing Stories News

How do we choose the things we buy? For many of us, certifications like Fair Trade or Organic may inform a big part of that decision. But when you’re buying directly from the people who produce the product, it’s not always that simple. At Skipper Otto, we have to consider many factors before we decide … Continued


Meet Jocelyn Dick, Multi-Generational Tseshaht Fisher

September 28, 2021

Allow me to introduce you to my new friend, multi-generational Tseshaht fisher, Jocelyn Dick. I feel pretty darn lucky to be able to call her my friend. And I want to share with you how we got to know each other and how we came to welcome Jocelyn and 11 other new Tseshaht and Hupacasath … Continued


National Day for Truth and Reconciliation!

September 24, 2021

Thursday September 30th is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, and it’s important to us at Skipper Otto that we close our business for the day to support everyone’s individual journey of reconciliation. Whether or not you have the day off, you may be considering ways to engage meaningfully with this new holiday. Below … Continued


What is Economic Opportunity Fishing?

September 21, 2021

We didn’t know much about Economic Opportunity Fisheries before we began working closely with more Tseshaht and Hupacasath fishers this summer, but we learned so much this year and we’re eager to share it all with you! Economic Opportunity fisheries are intended to enable Indigenous fishers to achieve economic self-sufficiency through licensed sales of their … Continued


Processing Live Dungeness Crab

August 12, 2021

We often have fresh Dungeness crab pick-ups at Fishermen’s Wharf for our members in Vancouver. Randy Kitagawa, your crab fisher (his stepson, Matt, is pictured above), and his crew normally set their crab traps for a few days before the pick-up, then pull them out of the water on Thursday morning. Then they’ll catch a … Continued


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Member since 2012

"I love picking up at the location that you’ve chosen. The store itself is kind of cool and gives us a few other things to browse through, while we’re waiting for them to bring out our order."