News From the Top Deck

The best day on a fishing boat includes sunshine, flat calm seas, and abundant fish. We were so lucky to experience one of those glorious days this time around. So glorious that we had the deck freezers full by 3PM. In all my years of fishing (a total of 8), this was a first. With … Continued

Fishing Stories

Seasoned Rookies

June 8, 2022

Pilar Martinelli’s annual lingcod fishing stories are here! This is her fourth year fishing with a toddler on board, alongside her husband Bruce, and the rest of his crew on their 50′ troller, Tantrum No. 1. The challenges of being a mom aboard a fishing vessel never seem to hinder Pilar’s creativity and sense of … Continued

Fishing Stories

Eldorado is Back!

June 6, 2022

Guess what? This old salmon gillnetter, Eldorado, is back in the family! Why so excited, you might ask? I mean, let’s be clear: to say she’s rustic is an understatement. She’s definitely no pleasure boat. There are a couple of bunks, a sink, a little fridge and a stove. If you want to shower, you’ll … Continued

Fishing Stories

Sampling Darryl and Angutimarik’s Arctic Char

May 20, 2022

Our latest batch of Arctic char was a special one, hailing all the way from Kannak Lake and Tubliniq Lake in Nunavut. You see, the char in these lakes can only be fished by harvesters holding a special experimental license. Very little data exists on the char populations in these two lakes, but Project Nunavut (the non-profit we work with to get our … Continued

Fishing Stories

Grilled Fish Tacos

May 17, 2022

These grilled fish tacos are a great recipe to add to your rotation in the warmer months. Soft tortillas are topped with seasoned, grilled white fish, and two flavourful salsas for a quick and delicious meal the whole family will love. You can make these with any flaky white fish, like halibut, any species of … Continued

Fishing Stories

In our opinion, adding spot prawns to anything is cause for celebration, so this light and flavourful spinach, strawberry, and spot prawn salad recipe is deserving of it’s own holiday! For this salad, we’ve indicated spot prawns that are already cooked and peeled. If you’re making it with live prawns, you can use these tips. … Continued

Recipes spot spot prawn salad spot prawn season

Is There Such a Thing as Sustainable Seafood?

April 29, 2022

Especially since the release of the film “Seaspiracy,” we’ve been seeing a lot more public awareness about the environmental impacts of fishing, and questions about the possibility of sustainable seafood. It’s certainly never been a secret that the global industrial seafood system is harming the marine ecosystem. Margins are thin, prices are unpredictable, and corporations … Continued

Recipes spot spot prawn salad spot prawn season

Looking Back at the Three Years Since our Pitch for the Purse Win

April 28, 2022

If you’ve followed us for a while, you may remember three years ago when I won the Forum’s Pitch for the Purse – a prestigious national business pitch competition. This week, the gala finale resumes in person and I am thrilled to return to the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver ballroom to watch this year’s finalists. This … Continued

Recipes spot spot prawn salad spot prawn season

Easy Smoked Salmon Dip Recipe

April 14, 2022

We’re big fans of canned sustainable seafood. It’s portable, versatile, and it’s got a really long shelf life! If you’ve never had Skipper Otto canned salmon or tuna, it’s time to dive in –they’re nothing like the canned fish you’re used to. Most canned salmon you buy has had the oil pressed out of it … Continued

Recipes spot spot prawn salad spot prawn season

What’s Up With Canada’s Seafood Labelling Laws?

April 7, 2022

The Fight For Stricter Seafood Labelling Laws As you may already know, Skipper Otto Community Supported Fishery is part of a group of seafood industry stakeholders and grocery chains calling for greater transparency in labelling seafood sold in Canada.  The group delivered a letter to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency as part of their recent … Continued

Recipes spot spot prawn salad spot prawn season

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