News From the Top Deck

Read the full story at The Global News. “Tue, Sep 23: They were the first in Canada to do it and became a national success story. Six years ago, the husband and wife team behind “Skipper Otto” saw the fishing industry needed a lifeline – and they had to swim against the current to make … Continued


Meet Your Tuna Fisherman: Grey Mcphedran

September 18, 2014

If you’ve been loving this year’s albacore tuna, you can thank our fisherman Grey Mcphedran for his catch! Grey has been fishing for almost 40 years up and down the BC coast, and fishing tuna for the past 12 years. Along with his boat, a 48 foot freezer vessel called the Thetis Queen, Grey fishes … Continued


3 generations — follow up

August 22, 2014

It was really quiet around here for three days…eerily quiet!  But while Oliver was up fishing with his daddy, Shaun, and his Opa, Otto, I enjoyed a peaceful, quiet, relaxing weekend alone with Lyndon, our 3-year old son.  Lyndon is a great sleeper so I got lots of rest, luxuriated over steaming cups of coffee … Continued


3 generations

August 16, 2014

This week, your salmon will be caught by 3 generations of Strobel men. Last week, Otto and Shaun, father and son, started fishing together onboard Omega V.  Days and nights of fishing are just too much for one fishermen to fish alone, especially one who is 73 years old, no matter how tough and resilient … Continued


Sockeye Fever

July 28, 2014

Do you remember the summer of 2010? The Fraser and Adams River sockeye returns were all over the headlines “Record Salmon Returns”  “Biggest return in 100 years!”  And as you may know, sockeye spawn on a 4-year cycle.  So, that means, barring any unforeseen disasters, this year should be a huge year for sockeye salmon … Continued


Duncan just returned from Halibut fishing. Read about his stormy adventure below. “We departed Port Hardy on Friday at noon for a halibut spot we like to fish near the Goose Bank in Queen Charlotte Sound.It has produced well for us this time of the year in the past, however it is 10 hours from land and … Continued


Crabbing time! How to handle these live delicacies

July 17, 2014

Live Dungeness crab is one of BC Coast’s seafood delights and your fisherman Stewart has been working hard at crabbing along the Sunshine Coast and English Bay. We want our Skipper Otto’s members to enjoy every last delicious morsel of crab you will be picking up throughout the season, so here are some quick tips … Continued


Seafood Recipe Contest! Deadline Extended

July 16, 2014

Deadline to enter has been extended to September 7th! Voting starts September 8th! Now that the season has kicked off we are excited to announce our first ever CSF Recipe Contest. We always have members asking us for new recipes, almost as often as we have members sharing the delicious meals they’ve made with our … Continued


Meet our friends: Eagle Creek Farms

July 14, 2014

What if you could pick up your guilt free sustainable seafood at the same time you get your chemical free local produce? Well if you are living in Calgary, now you can! We are pleased to announce that we will be providing our Tuesday and Thursday pick-up times in Calgary alongside Eagle Creek Farms this … Continued


A Confession

July 10, 2014

I have a confession to make.  One that is tough for a fisherman’s wife and fish-monger to make publicly. I used to HATE fish.  There.  I said it. I was born into a British-Austrian-Catholic family where fish was served on Fridays and was, generally speaking, some nameless, sourceless white fish, overcooked in the extreme, and … Continued


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