News From the Top Deck

In order to help answer any last minute questions, we’ve put together this special holiday FAQ before we take a much-needed holiday break! There’s a good chance you’ll find the answer to your question on this handy list. We’ll be back in the office on Tuesday January 3rd to answer any questions that don’t get … Continued

News gift memberships order questions

Treasures and More Treasures!

June 24, 2022

The best day on a fishing boat includes sunshine, flat calm seas, and abundant fish. We were so lucky to experience one of those glorious days this time around. So glorious that we had the deck freezers full by 3PM. In all my years of fishing (a total of 8), this was a first. With … Continued

News gift memberships order questions

Seasoned Rookies

June 8, 2022

Pilar Martinelli’s annual lingcod fishing stories are here! This is her fourth year fishing with a toddler on board, alongside her husband Bruce, and the rest of his crew on their 50′ troller, Tantrum No. 1. The challenges of being a mom aboard a fishing vessel never seem to hinder Pilar’s creativity and sense of … Continued

News gift memberships order questions

Our 2022 Rockfish Sourcing Strategy

March 28, 2022

We put a lot of thought into deciding what species to offer our members every year. We gather information every year from numerous sources to make sure all our offerings are coming from the most sustainable and responsible sources in BC. It’s where there is disagreement that we need to dig deeper to find more … Continued

News gift memberships order questions

Answers to all your questions during the holidays!

December 15, 2021

We’ve put together this special holiday FAQ for you so we don’t leave you hanging while we take a much-needed holiday break! We’ll be back in the office on January 4th to answer any questions that don’t get covered here. Are you trying to place an order? We are all finished for the year and … Continued

News gift memberships order questions

How do we choose the things we buy? For many of us, certifications like Fair Trade or Organic may inform a big part of that decision. But when you’re buying directly from the people who produce the product, it’s not always that simple. At Skipper Otto, we have to consider many factors before we decide … Continued


T-Rex vs Captain Daddy-O

May 26, 2021

Some of our member’s favourite fishing family stories come from Pilar Martinelli! Once again, she’s been kind enough to share a little glimpse into her fishing family’s life with us. We hope you enjoy this next chapter in the Martinelli’s adventures in lingcod fishing with their little one on board! This is our fourth go … Continued


What rockfish will Skipper Otto carry this year?

May 17, 2021

How does Skipper Otto decide what fish to offer its members? Well, our objective is both to protect marine ecosystems for many generations to come and to support a small-scale fishing way of life in coastal communities. But that’s no simple task! First, we look to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), which makes its decisions … Continued


A Toddler on the Tantrum

May 12, 2020

Thank you to one of our incredible fishing super moms, Pilar Martinelli, for sending in this blog about life as a fishing family on their vessel, The Tantrum, with their toddler Rex!  This is our third year fishing as a family of three and my oh my, have we come a long way! From carriers … Continued


Baby on Board – Fishing is a Family Affair!

May 24, 2019

Pilar Martinelli, one of our lingcod fishermen, sent us this story about fishing as a family. Pilar describes the joy of including her toddler on their commercial fishing journeys! I find that most people are puzzled, worried, or shocked by the idea of taking a toddler on a working commercial fish boat, but for the … Continued


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"I quite enjoy reading about the fishermen, their fishing families, and getting fish info and updates. I feel like you guys go the extra mile to keep customers happy."