Fish Trim Ceviche

We often get asked how best to enjoy and prepare fish trim, and our friend Steve W. is back with vibrant fish trim ceviche dish, that has the perfect balance of tang and heat and creaminess. The best part – there is no cooking involved so it’s perfect for hot sunny summer days when you don’t want to ‘cook’!

Preparing ceviche, calls for thawed fish or shellfish, and then adding an acid, like lime juice, slowly ‘cooks’ the fish, without the use of a heat source. As our salmon, sablefish and scallops are all flash-frozen, they are great ingredients for making ceviche.

Note from Steve: At first glance, this recipe looks complicated, but it’s just a bit of dicing, and you are ready to go! And if you don’t have fish trim – don’t worry – you can use any portion of wild seafood you have on hand.



  • 2 cups (loose) of skinless fish trim and / or shellfish (photo shows: sablefish fish trim and scallops) – cut into 1/4 inch size pieces
  • 1 Tbsp red onion finely diced
  • 1/2 Tbsp red chilli peppers finely diced (or to taste)
  • 1 tsp fresh dill finely chopped
  • 2-3 limes – juiced
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Broccoli Slaw

  • 1 1/2 cups broccoli slaw (combination of thinly sliced broccoli, carrots, cabbage – or substitute for any coleslaw)
  • 1/3 cup mayonnaise
  • 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp white sugar
  • 2 tsp celery seed
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • 2 large avocados
  • 1 lime – juiced


  1. In a small bowl add the fish, scallops, and lime juice. Mix until well coated. Let sit for 15 plus minutes.
  2. While the seafood is “cooking” in the acid from the lime juice mix the mayonnaise, apple cider vinegar, sugar and celery seed together and mix well. I use a jar for this and give it a good shake to dissolve the sugar. Taste and add salt and pepper as required. (Note: This dressing is quite tart. If its too tart for your liking, you can either add more sugar or more mayonnaise or a combination until it is just right for your taste).
  3. Pour the dressing over the broccoli slaw and mix well.
  4. Cut the avocados into cubes about the same size as the fish. Squeeze over the lime juice and gently toss together so all of the avocado gets coated in lime juice. Besides adding flavour, the lime juice slows the avocado from browning too fast.
  5. Drain the liquid from the fish ceviche and add the red chilli peppers, red onion and dill to the mix and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Serving this in tall glass type bowls looks great so you can see the different layers and colours, but clean mason jars also work well. To build, add 1/4 of the broccoli slaw to each bowl, followed by 1/8 of the fish ceviche, and then 1/4 of the avocado, and then finish with the last layer of ceviche. Garnish with dill and add any extra red chilli peppers you might have on top, and maybe an little squeeze of lime juice. Serve with crackers, tortilla chips or any other side you prefer.

Servings: 4 people – appetizer / small meal

Recipe shared with us by our friend and member Steve W. – see more of his recipe creations on Instagram

Allison Hepworth - July 12, 2024

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Fish Trim Ceviche

Allison Hepworth - July 12, 2024

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