3,000lbs of Area 8 chum on their way to Vancouver!

Sonia - July 24, 2013

Shaun just called from Port Hardy: Otto hauled in over 3,000lbs of chum salmon Monday and Tuesday in Area 8.  He has 270 huge chum averaging 11-12lbs each!  Those are some huge, beautiful, silver-bright chum! Shaun and Otto will spend the rest of the day today picking through the bin to find some of the smaller ones for members who may not want such big fish! They will clean a bunch of them themselves, leave the heads on, and save the roe for member pick-up.  We’ll update the online sustainable seafood store with the roe so members can reserve it. The rest of the fish Shaun will transport to Nanaimo for processing as no one in Port Hardy has space to take our fish for cleaning and freezing.  Fire up those barbecues — who’s up for a big weekend party with a huge, beautiful, fresh, whole wild BC salmon?!

Sonia - July 24, 2013

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3,000lbs of Area 8 chum on their way to Vancouver!

Sonia - July 24, 2013

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