Three Feet Below CSA Membership On Sale Now!

Sonia - May 14, 2014

It’s time to fill your pantry with the freshest preserved foods, by joining the only Community-Supported-Agriculture box-program which brings them to you straight from the farm!

Our Skipper Otto’s CSF Family is always looking around for wonderful and innovative opportunities to grow our community and bring to our friends the best products our land has to offer. As we are all awaiting for the new fishing season to kickoff, how about thinking what other tasty foods you will be pairing your sustainable seafood with? Three Feet Below offers you the perfect opportunity to keep your cupboards full with great tasting meal-starters, side dishes and fun add-ons.

Katie, Ashala and Esther are the three passionate women who started Three Feet Below from their common interest in small scale sustainable agriculture. Through their CSA Box Program you will enjoy all through the fall jams, pickles, salsas, crushed tomatoes, sauerkraut and kimchi, butters, canned fruits and other novel products not seen on grocery shelves, farmed, harvested and then prepared with organic principles.

Just as for our Skipper Otto’s CSF there are just a few available member spots left in the last two weeks of sign-up, membership for the Three Feet Below CSA program is quickly selling out! So get your box now!

Sonia - May 14, 2014

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Three Feet Below CSA Membership On Sale Now!

Sonia - May 14, 2014

Pledge your support and become a member to enjoy the freshest fish in BC!

Sign up now