Can I top up my share if I run out?

Yes! We know it can be difficult to know how much seafood you’ll eat in a year, especially if this is your first season at Skipper Otto! And we also understand that not everyone can commit to their full share amount up front. This is why we allow members to increase their share size by $100 increments if they run out of credit before the end of the year.

Having said that, we’re asking those who can right-size their shares to do so as soon as they join: we use member money to pay fishers on a timely basis and to work with our fishing families to plan how much seafood we will need. Our model just wouldn’t work if everyone simply added credit each month, but we like being able to offer flexibility to those who need it. And, while we have never done this, we do reserve the right to shut off the purchasing of additional credit once the fishing season is underway if anything unprecedented happened on the coast to interrupt our ability to source more seafood.

We are happy for you to use the flexibility to top up your share later if you need it, but hope that, whenever possible, you will anticipate how much seafood you would like this year and purchase it ahead of time.

Between September-December of each year, we add the ability to top-up in exact amounts and allow members to pay any overages as they go. This is so that members have the option of spending down their share to as close to $0 as possible.