News From the Top Deck

Winter Workshop Series

March 18, 2014


Big thanks to Serena Chu, David Fleming, John Lavery and Jeff Anderson for sharing their skills with our members! Both the salmon canning and salmon smoking workshops were a big success! The subsidized workshops (and our equipment library!) would not have been possible without the generous assistance of UBC’s Community Learning Initiative Community Grants Program. … Continued


Herring fishing

March 11, 2014

Shaun’s back from a week out herring fishing. Every spring,  thousands of tonnes of Pacific herring travel in shore to spawn en masse. It is a powerful event, and provides food for lot’s of predators, including eagles, sea lions, and humans. Herring are considered a foundation species because of the important role they play in … Continued


Fishermen shocked by DFO manipulation on herring

March 1, 2014

Interesting press press release (below) about the herring fishery. Shaun and several of our other CSF fishermen are some of the 250 fishermen getting ready to go out and fish herring. They have already paid substantial amounts of money for the right to fish (quota, etc.) which will end up being about half of their … Continued


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Member since 2018

"I noticed the little note you put into my order. That is an amazing piece of business!! Thank you for this kindness and for the excellent product I've been picking up at Jardins St-Leon in Winnipeg. All success to all the fisher families. I look forward to next year's haul!"